Ping, will be fun to re-read some works and read new ones
Ping, will be fun to re-read some works and read new ones
The problem I have is that I don't see the value added. But I guess you're right. Large parts of the GDP are already made up (just look at the FIRE sector) and one more point doesn't really make it worse. The fact that the GDP is used that much is just incomprehensible to me (well, neolibs who use it to further their goals push it...).
I'm really hoping that hell exists right now
Poor "people" could get good treats
Thanks for your reply! I think that my misunderstanding comes down to the definition of value used here. In my understanding LTV does not directly see value in living in a house (but in construction+upkeep). In contrast STV could explain that someone is meeting their own demand and with that does something for the GDP.
Another thing I don't really get about rent imputing is that an over-valued housing market drives up the GDP even more, without adding anything new
How do you even come to that conclusion? Only way I can see it, is that he thinks that decolonization will turn off the treat-faucet too much and western workers will blame marxists for it. Even assuming that this is absolutely true, this take completely fails to see the needs of colonized people. That whole take just seems a bit treat-brained to me...
Wow only the nadeko link works for me, otherwise all locations are blocked for this video. But amazing how fast they developed that region.
Successful for him personally or successful for normal people ?
It's always interesting to see different perspectives. I think the graphics of Civ IV are quite charming and I play it to this day.
Yeah, I feel the same way. I feel like trapped during summer, because it's just too warm. Everyone else seems to love which makes me feel like the odd one out.
Winter is just so nice. The air is cold and crisp so you feel that you're breathing. You don't get sunburns and so much less sweat. Bicycle tours are much nicer (except for even more cars and their pollution). I actually get good sleep, because you can actually turn the room cold instead of just sweating during the night.
Only downside of Sevastopol is that any shipments/deployments have to go through the Bosporus
Is this the beginning of the Make Ghouls Afraid Again movement?
Does it cause you distress knowing that a capitalist hellhole known as the US built you?
Yay, some good news Let's spread this far and wide
In Germ*ny the term Corona is used colloquially and in formal communication it's refered to as COVID 19. Though calling it inflammation disease would be much better to highlight the dangers it still brings
How long will it take for the western world to say that the ICC is antisemitic?
Do you have a link for the videos?
Wasn't it biden that prevented the railworkers from striking?