Vida [she/her,ze/hir]

  • 12 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2022


  • The Sacred and Terrible Air, chapter 12, by Robert Kurvitz (co-creator of disco elysium)

    Zigi is a nihilist, and a communist too, if necessary. The word "bourgeois" hangs from his lips like a butterfly knife: "bourgeois", "the bourgeoisie", "typical bourgeois", "bourgeois art", "petit-bourgeois opinion", "you are bourgeois", "your bourgeois parents", "your parents are bourgeois", "it is because your parents are bourgeois", "it is because you are bourgeois, Ann" (Zigi also calls his teachers by their first names), "whore of the bourgeoisie", "puppy of the bourgeois", "paederasty is a bourgeois disease, paederasts are bourgeois". Zigi is a well-read boy and is also familiar with the all the other beautiful names of the bourgeoisie: "pursui", "bourgeois", "petit-bourgeois", "boujee", "bürger", "kulak”, "middle class", "rentier", "big landlord... "

    His influence is enormous. A girl with pigtails from the fourth grade comes home and asks, "Dad, why is social democracy so weak?"

    top 10 Posters of all time

  • The game Foxhole is I think a interesting twist on the mmo formula, though I haven't played the game in quite some time (it became too grindy to get to anything fun, and the game devs seemed to cater heavily towards clan gameplay).

    Pretty much, the game is an MMO war between two factions, the Wardens and the Colonials. The crux of things is that every weapon in the game has to be made by a player (no random drops and no NPCs anywhere). Players will pick one side to play for each "war", where once one side is winning enough (I forget the requirements, I think it used to just be decided by the devs but it's semi automated now) the map will be reset for another "war."

    The game does have an institutionalized place for 'sheep' in the game, since both sides need weapons, equipment, and bases in order to fight. So you could actually end up with some players ('partisans') sneaking through the lines in order to kill logistic players who have to transport raw materials to the factories and then finished weapons from the factories to the frontlines. So the next logical step was indeed to have players on your side gather up forces in order to quash a group of partisans, and the mechanics of the game make it pretty much impossible to set up bases behind enemy lines you can respawn from. You could technically set up respawn points behind enemy lines but they require you to run through a lot of hoops: you need a slow and vulnerable construction vehicle with a bunch of building materials (impossible to transport in bulk without another vulnerable vehicle), soldier supplies (which you need in order to respawn at bases, also hard to procure and transport in bulk behind enemy lines), etc etc which means that they only really happened when the anti-partisan guys were really off their game (read:non-existant) anyways.

    At the end of the day you could always set up structures that broadcast whether or not there are any enemies nearby as well, which would guarantee certain roads' safety so long as they were present, so the traditionally assymetrical battles between 'sheep' and 'griefers' (in quotes because they almost transcend the role) could definetly be made equal within the mechanics of the game.

    Of course foxhole isn't a full pvp game where you can do anything. You can't set up rival factions (though the clans do try!), and it's against the rules to be a spy (there are no mechanics for it, but there are still people who make alternate accounts to sabotage efforts on the other team and view their team chat).

    I don't really know what the state of all of this is like now, especially since they added :train-shining: to the game. By far the best thing to come out of foxhole was the logistics strike though. I think the developers recently announced a new game, set as like an 18th century mmo war game? But I really don't know anything about it.

  • Yeahhh, both the site listed in /c/emoji and my 9 year old plugin won't do the trick. Curse these beautiful impressionist portraits and their limited color pallets! At least I have a better idea of why they're so stubborn now that I've read the artbook, like damn I can definetly appreciate these works a lot more. The way they reused the white of the background for the flicks of his hair both on the silhouette of the head and his unkempt facial hair. The deep blue (maybe supposed to be more of a faded black, given the color scheme of the ICM as the white-and-blacks) is also reused on the left edge of his forehead. And then there's Dros's face itself, eyes hidden and mouth pursed, ready to go on a political diatribe. Just damn these things look good, but I also wish they were easy to make emojis out of t_t