Question: What is the difference between Ask Yourself's Name The Trait and the Argument from marginal cases?
Question: What is the difference between Ask Yourself's Name The Trait and the Argument from marginal cases?
Please hide from them. I can't lose another vegan comrade.
How I'm NOT going to start a conversation with nonvegans: "You're a rapist, or at least an accessory to rape because you pay for it!" How I will engage with a nonvegan if the conversation appears to be going that way: "We rape cows and other sentient beings because we have a deluded notion that the human animal has the right to use and abuse any nonhuman animal for any reason at all."
Damn what the fuck is wrong with some people.
James Aspey sucks 100%. He just says intentionally inflammatory shit and tries to get people to inflate bitcoin or some other crypto.
Probably wouldn't raise it immediately. Rape is a pretty sensitive issue.
Oat milk is delicious and one of, if not the most, environmentally sustainable.
Dairy is rape. I see no reason why the fact of belonging to x species has anything to do with whether or not you can be sexually violated.
Is sentience an arbitrary standard? I feel like the interests of plants don't need to be respected since... they don't have interests? Everything that we know points to the idea that plants don't have interests.
Mention veganism and "leftists" go full MAGA mode.
It's not one or the other. Either "sheep" (or whatever other herbivore you're substituting here) lives in nature, breeds, dies, et cetera, or the herbivores die in nature and we exploit them needlessly.
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Nonvegans fuck off. Yes, you are reactionary if you're not vegan.
Abolitionist veganism or nothing at all. Animal protectionism, welfarism, nor any form of incrementalism will get animal liberation anywhere.
If that's the case (thankfully it is not) then we should become fruitarians and live that way.
I became vegan the moment I learned about the interests, thoughts, feelings, and sentience of nonhuman people. The fact that people can understand this and not go vegan is astoundingly disgusting. I am 100% vegan for life. :vegan-edge:
I wish :deeper-sadness:
Not the happiest to create an account here but might as well put some of my tofu into this basket in the case that r/vcj gets nuked, which hopefully won't happen. :vegan-v: :vegan-edge: Definitely not a very big fan of the authoritarian and speciesist stuff on this site though.
"most vegan army" you mean ARM? what the fuck is the IDF doing here.