This is the most online take I've ever seen
aww man my old room-mate just reclaimed his immersion blender like a week ago :angery:
Yea okay, makes sense it would differ depending on the industry, its probably the same in my country. All the places I've worked have just always believed me when I told them I was sick, no matter the length.
You guys need a doctors note for calling in sick at the work place? wtf
Yea, and then people on Etsy would be like, 500$ for a sweater OMG! I can get one at warlmort for 30$ (or whatever they cost)
lib take tbh
Okay just watched the briefing again, misrememberd Sean Rose's M.O, nvm then
lol you kill ecofacists in the colorado mission Edit: nvm misrememberd no facism here folks
Oh shit didn't know. Gotta admit don't know much about spanish history, do you know of any resources to read to learn more about post Franco Spain ? if rationalwiki is anything to go by he's an alt-right holocaust revisionist
Its chopped jalapenos and cheese in those chili cheese nuggets, they're pretty popular here, especially at McDonald's
I haven't watched it, can maybe do it Sunday if I have the time.. can I be high throughout or would that ruin the science? Good website for finding user created bike routes all over the world