Ytse [he/him]

  • 11 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Yeah, I wouldn't move here permanently. Both ruling parties will 100% have a policy of austerity and privatisation in the future, (as they have done for decades, but this time it's to tackle "the deficit") and like you said we'll be dealing with 50° summers peppered with choking on bushfire smoke.

    Add to that the blatant racism baked into Australian society which will only get worse in the next few decades and the growing police and surveillance state, you'll have a perfect recipe for USA II.

  • Ytse [he/him]tomainTELL CHINA TO TELL THE TRUTH
    4 years ago

    My brain has actual been melting seeing the mainstream Australian media kick up a fuss about this image. The focus has been completely shifted from the fact that Australian soldiers murdered 39 civilians to the usual red scare bullshit.

    Fucks me off I swear to Christ.