alabastr [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2021


  • alabastr [he/him]tomentalhealth*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Working out.

    In my experience anger can be the result of too much pent up negative energy. I personally enjoy weight lifting b/c I find the experience very meditative, but any exercise that leaves you worn out works.

    Also cut out as much sugar as possible. Sugar messes with the neurons in your head and in my experience my moods are much worse when I've been eating garbage.

    Other than that, time and patience and learning to catch yourself when you're feeling overwhelmed.

  • Posting under an alt because I lost my old pass.

    I've been lurking this site since it opened and this veganism mess has been exhausting.

    I need to eat a specialized diet (no rice, beans, root veg, or fruit) and I have an eating disorder. I have done my best to remove animal products from my diet, but I can't get all the nutrition I need from my limited options . (I tried, and I got very sick)

    All this infighting about food is hellish to read, and if this is going to be encouraged then I'm out. I don't like being bullied for something that is nobodies business but mine, and the attitude around here has become incredibly toxic.

    I came to this comm for news and links to direct action and all it is is baby leftist slap fighting.