What luck, captialism is racing towards ending the world on it's own
What luck, captialism is racing towards ending the world on it's own
"As billionaire miners pay the price"
Sounds good to me.
Wow, that's pretty nice actually. Too bad about the whole rest of the island
Sing God Save the Queen and end it with God save the queen because we're coming.
Anyone got an archive link? Twitter took it down
Well I'm off to buy more bullets. It's becoming increasingly clear that these people won't be happy until we're all dead.
As if that would EVER happen in real life
248,998 bot followers lol
That bastard Putin giving me exactly what I wanted!
I say go for it, and wait for the inevitable invasion by Castro to kill your ass
I've heard it used a lot on the chechen muslims be they soldiers or not
What a fucking douche
So my spouse works for a local college in the medical department and she's been telling me doctors and nurses, PAs and MAs are quitting in record numbers from the stress and harassment. It's getting absolutely nuts but I guess that's something they might want, so they can make medical positions into gig ones
Is everyone trying a speed run of ww3?
Once I found out who he works for I immediately dropped his podcasts. His takes on a lot of things are iffy especially on foreign policy. Fucking CIA stooge
Nah, I'd rather have kids get trained with weaponry properly than not at all. The indoctrination is the issue not the guns
Had one myself for my 8th birthday. I loved that thing!
With those qualifications she sounds like a perfect fit for the dems
That's the beauty of the american political landscape, if you aren't one party you are automatically the other.