cokedupchavez [none/use name]

  • 15 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2021

  • jfc just admit you only sucked up eugene puryear's bullshit the last few months and have absolutely no chips in this isse at all. this is beyond pathethic. funny you roll with the "democratically elected" shit when that was washingtons line 18 months ago while the left disputed it. anti-marxists but pushed a very stricktly statist development model, and national organization purely lifted from stalin. yeah buddy fucking SUS

  • thank you for this at times valuable correction to my posts. Listen, I'd love nothing more to be wrong here. That last reuters link is hopeful. But I gotta say some of this reads like pure shilling, dude. Downplay abiys liberalisation and try to salvage the argument for political participation in Eritrea? that's a doubter. Also TPLF sucking up all wealth is a bit overstated. Development metrics but them better off than some regions, but its gambela and the capital region that really benefit while the ogaden got left in the murk. Also, Abiy is not a democratizer. That election is horseshit, and he only got the driver's wheel by intra-statal fanctionalism. Zero democracy there, period. Are you from Afar? If you have more intimate knowledge here Im all game! Absolutely hit me up.

  • people who at least don’t seem to be mouthpieces for the US government

    trusting these people based on this is just ridiculously dangerous and the crux of all my cybercrusades. please reconsider this logic

    North Korea has good relations with Eritrea, and Eritrea seems to be siding with the Ethiopian government

    north korea is good with most global south countries, not an argument. north korea isnt authoritative on this shit either. at all. eritrea was viciously opposed to ethiopia gov last 20 years, even tough meles zenawi was afwerkis cousin. does this mean anything?

    I don’t really see how the TPLF is the good guys in this anyways.

    tigray is subject to a genocidal war. its that simple. but yes tplf militias play dirty and its not proportionally represented in western media. OP isnt a remedy for that though.

    It seems like another pseudo-proxy-war in Africa where the more violence there is the worse off everyone but western governments are.

    this has nothing to do with imperialism. abiy ahmed was a western favourity. thats why this thing is so perverse. everybody jumped ship the second he decided to start a war. that the west benefit here is is just a bullshit rhetoric. if anything, egypt benefits. egypt always but especially led by a junta is a problem for israel and global shipping. holding leverage over egypt is actually an insanely understated centerpiece in global capitalism.

    I’d rather side with literally anyone other than the US government .. Pretty big red flag in your post considering the US never sanctions anyone without ulterior motives.

    do i have to quote dril on isis support here, or what? * saying the US is involved in a way just leads you completely astray. this is just the UN-human-rights world-system operating. you're completely wrong to say the US never sanction without ulterior motive. it can and is often abused but you're really out of your depth if you think that there's always something under it. this is the type of ultraconspiratorial complete-detached-from-reality type of thinking that got us stuck in this shit. you're left supporting a slave state personal dictatorship and a genocidal war because the tiny, insignificant pushback to that by definition must be a bigger evil. cmon, something got wrong on the way here!

  • to make a bit of a pointed remark; one can pretty much convince ultratankies to support any horrific non-western dictatorship. almost every state does some kind of developmentalism, and by selectively presenting this you can claim critical support for building siege socialism in any state.. we've probably seen the same propaganda, you know, "eritrean state does some irrigation project", "eritrean state sends slave soldiers to build water retention walls on hilltops". so on and so forth. the last bit in my comment was about needing to deal with the fact (?) that our infosphere is being used for malicious propaganda purposes. this is different from propaganda in defense of evo morales or in defense of syria under attack. need to be dealt with instead of excusing it by this reaching

  • Oh yeah there's some identity weaponization in american propaganda around african leaders. Kagame is such a good example of this. Cause 6 million congolese deaths and become worshipped.. Why OP is so crucial to correct imo is because of this. the same propaganda mechanization would have people glorify abiy ahmad as the great liberaliser and peace-builder in the region. which he was until he started the war and got the propaganda apparatus to make a 180 flip. Im not sure how to articulate it, but I think we can see something of the same around eritrea? There was that weird pro-eritrea countercurrent surrounding nipsey husle hanging out with that dictator. interestingly, thats how we got the same simon tesfamariam as linked above going onto the breakfast club and perculate this faux-anti-imperialist messaging to afro-american mainstream culture - with puryear there aswell!

  • first on the tigray war itself.

    eth high brass calling for genocide:

    economic extermination policy:

    genocidal warfare:

    aid suppression:

    use this tool (set the parameters) to see that there is no political allignment at all by tplf and the west:

    on eritrea:

    simon tesfamariam is a bad actor tied to the state:

    im not sure if anyone in the tankosphere have written critique on eritrea.. have to consider mainstream sources

    a pretty big diasporic site uphold the state dep version, not sure how much is bs but worth a read i guess? alot of this is common knowledge you'd find elsewhere as well...: