different_eli [any]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 23rd, 2020


  • Donate it to your local domestic abuse shelter. Set up with a local non-profit to do low income rentals to homeless single/pregnant mothers (the most influential phase of brain development is the third trimester). Give it to a group of folks that want to set up an egalitarian commune -TheFEC.org has some examples.

  • different_eli [any]tofitness*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    someone please correct me but isn't it like a week to start building muscle but like 18 months for your tendons to catch up? or was that ligaments...🤷‍♂️ but anyway, as we age, a physically active body is something you maintain not something you get and then have. it sucks. and takes years to get back to fully.

  • spoilers

    Are you now, or have you ever been, a subscriber of the subreddit r/ChapoTrapHouse? yes

    How long have you been active on Hexbear/ChapoChat, including time spent lurking or on previous accounts? from beginning

    How long did you lurk before making an account? a week

    How long did you have an account before you posted? months

    In a typical week, how many times would you estimate you visit the site? once

    When you make a post or comment, is it typically in response to something else on the site or is it usually prompted elsewhere? elsewhere

    Are you more interested in the topics discussed on Hexbear or in the people who are present here? topics

    Create an online space which would preserve as much social momentum from r/ChapoTrapHouse as possible following the ban of the 2

    Ensure the space was welcoming to marginalized voices and identities 3

    Provide resources which aid in organization efforts 3

    Foster a culture which allowed for leftist education and discussion 4

    Allow users to use the site as a positive outlet for their mental health 5

    Contribute to the open source community generally and to the fediverse specifically 4

    Encourage privacy of our users by default and create a culture which values basic opsec 4

    Experiment with what modern social media could look like outside of corporate control 5

    Minimize sectarianism and make a robust case for left unity 4

    Make sure the space is a fun and less habit-forming experience than corporate social media 4

    Please add any additional comments below, including any relevant context about yourself or specific issues you with to discuss: my opinions aren't worth much since i'm mainly here to be entertained and distracted but not wanting use reddit to do that.