Daemon Silverstein

I'm just a spectre out of the nothingness, surviving inside a biological system.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2024

  • FYI, syncretic beliefs are a thing. Candomblé, the Afro-Brazilian Religion, blends Catholic elements (such as saints) with many African traditions: "an African diasporic religion that developed in Brazil during the 19th century. It arose through a process of syncretism between several of the traditional religions of West and Central Africa, especially those of the Yoruba, Bantu, and Gbe" (Wikipedia)

    It's worth noting that Candomblé, as well as other afro-Brazilian religions (such as Umbanda and Kimbanda), although incorporating some catholic figures, are frequently misunderstood by christians, who often call them "devil worshippers", an undeniable religious intolerance. Terreiros (sacred places where gatherings and rituals from Candomblé, Umbanda and Kimbanda takes place) are sometimes persecuted and vandalized by intolerant christians. The Afro-Brazilian believers, in turn, do not persecute churches neither christians (neither other religions).

    I'm not from an afro-Brazilian religion (I'm actually Lilith's worshipper, therefore I'm a literal "demon worshipper" for christians, I follow no specific religion), but I learnt from old friends from Umbanda and I know how sacred and important the Afro-Brazilian syncretic beliefs are to them.

    The syncretic approach is also found in Göetia, where the tetragrammaton (YHWH) is used among demonic sigils to invoke entities such as Paimon, Lucifer and Stolas (also, some of those entities are syncretic themselves, such as Lucifer from the biblical Lucifer).

    As I said before I don't have a religion but I do my own research in a syncretic approach, while I try to find convergence between many traditions regarding The Goddess (The Dark Mother Goddess): Sumerian Lilit(h), Arabic Al-Lat/Allatu, Hindu Kali, Egyptian Isis, Thelemite Nuit, Greek Hekate, Chinese Chang'e and so on, as well as Umbanda's Pomba-gira archetypes. So, to reiterate, syncretic approach is a thing.

  • Actively criticizing how both USSR and US secretly gave citizenship and hired nazi-fascists (and history is there to be checked) (therefore actively positioning myself against nazi-fascists and against everybody who "sits at a table with nazis and stays at the table") is "carrying water for nazi-fascists"? WTH?!

  • On my laptop, Brave for non-"personal" things (such as fediverse, SoundCloud, AI tools, daily browsing, etc) and Firefox for "personal" things (such as WhatsApp Web, LinkedIn, accessing local govt. services, etc). On my smartphone, Firefox for everything (I disabled the native Chrome).

    I've been using Brave in a daily basis because it's well integrated with adblocking tools, especially considering the ongoing strife regarding Chromium's Manifest V2 support, where Brave nicely stands keeping its Manifest V2 support independently of what Google wishes or not.

    Firefox is also good, but I noticed that, for me, it has been slightly heavier than Brave. So I use it parallel to Brave, for things I don't need to use often. For mobile, it's awesome, as it is one of the few browsers that support extensions, so I use Firefox for Android, together with adblocking extensions.

  • Regarding privacy, PGP is far better than out-of-the-shelf IM-embedded encryption, if used correctly. Alice uses Bob's public key to send him a message, and he uses his private key to read it. He uses Alice's public key to send her a message, and she uses her private key to read it. No one can eavesdrop, neither governments, nor corporations, nor crackers, no one except for Alice and Bob. I don't get why someone would complain about "usability", for me, it's perfectly usable. Commercially available "E2EEs" (even Telegram's) aren't trustworthy, as the company can easily embed a third-party public key (owned by themselves) so they can read the supposedly "end-to-end encrypted" messages, like a "master key" for anyone's mailboxes, just like PGP itself has the possibility to encipher the message to multiple recipients (e.g. if Alice needs to send a message to both Bob and Charlie, she uses both Bob's and Charlie's public keys; Bob can use his own private key (he won't need Charlie's private key) to read, while Charlie can use his own private key to do the same).

  • You didn't specify which problem or which thing that broke. However (and based on my previous experiences on that matter), one could face a problem regarding package PGP/GPG signatures upon trying to update. This is because archlinux-keyring is not being updated before the signature checking. That said, a better approach is to always update archlinux-keyring (sudo pacman -S --needed archlinux-keyring) before anything else (sudo pacman -Syu). This way, you guarantee to be up-to-date with developer signatures, needed for pacman to check the validity for every package to be updated/installed. There's also a pacman-key command, but I never had to use that.

  • Not just lack of religion. Anything but the mainstream also gets pointed to. If you're from one or more "pagan" religions (e.g., luciferianism, satanism, hermeticism, wicca, göetia, neo-hellenism, gnosticism, umbanda/kimbanda/candomblé, new age, or simply a free non-conformist esoteric/occult person as I am as a worshipper of the Dark Mother Goddess), most people tend (not everyone, so it's not a generalized rule) to have a suspicious look at ya, even atheists (again, no intention of generalize here). I'm saying that because I was once an atheist, I was once christian and now I'm a "pagan" person, and I've been noticing the religious biases of the society against esoteric beliefs. For example, in my country, a syncretic Kimbanda temple tried to raise a statue for Lucifer, the light-bringer (Lux ferre), and the city hall stopped the temple of rising the statue, because people saw it as something "diabolical".

  • Although I'm used to write long detailed replies and comments, what possibly saves me from being accused of being some LLM is the fact that English is not my main language, so I often commit concordance/typo mistakes. LLMs are too "linguistically perfect". In a world where the Dead Internet Theory (i.e. there are few humans left in a bot-filled internet) is more and more real, human mistakes seem to be the only way to really distinguish between a bot and a human.

  • As long as it didn't pollute the fedi timeline with ads, AI slop and partnered posts, that'd be OK to me... (If someone worrying about our posts/comments being used by AIs, it's already happening even for those instances that does not federate with Threads; Proofs? Once I searched for my own username and I got surprised on how my fediverse posts are spread all across the results through federated instances that I never heard about, so if my fedi content shows on Google, it's certainly being fed to some AI datasets)

  • Qual backend de áudio aparece em "about:support" (está na seção "Media", na linha da tabela "Audio Backend")? Além disso, verifique as demais informações exibidas nessa seção, como "Preferred sample rate", "Roundtrip latency", bem como se a identificação dos dispositivos de entrada e saída corresponde com os dispositivos do Pipewire/pulseaudio.

  • hot spring for hate content

    As with every platform, even Youtube. Bc even the most advanced algorithmic moderation has its limits (i.e. they can't pick up steganography nor subtle/creative language; in best case scenario, YT algorithms can barely understand a Caesar ciphered text), so it'd need manual reviewing, but there's the catch: a platform can't have strict manual reviewing AND be free, because human moderators have their costs. When a platform gets troublesome with excessive ads or oversensitive filters (Tom Scott has an excellent video regarding the problem with "vulgarity filters" when they're set to pick up any "forbidden" words amidist a text without considering their context; e.g. a content that says about "cumulative sum" (a mathematical and statistical concept) gets blocked because how the three initial letters form a vulgar word, and this could get worse if one's talking about NumPy's method), two kinds of people will tend to migrate platforms: those who simply have zero patience with intrusive ads/excessive filtering (imagine a PHP developer not being able to upload/search for a video that uses the PHP function that breaks a string into array, because the function name is "explode()" and it could be seen by filters as "violence"), and those who want to distillate their hatred. If there's a sufficiently well-known alternative platform, both kinds of people will tend to migrate there, until hate content becomes a gigantic problem and the platform starts to employ human moderators, turning the service into a costly service that'll either need to be paid or need to have ads (except if they somehow manage to work the services through volunteering, such as GNU). Odysee is one of a myriad of video platforms where anyone can create an account and upload any video. Odysee is not the first only containing "dangerous contents" and neither will be the last.