frankvictor [he/him]

  • 11 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2021


  • What a shitty take. This is some sectarian ultraleft bs. Veteran's anti-imperialist movements have been one of the most effective in history. Yeah you have shitty veteran's organizations like the American Legion (aka the American Freikorps) or VFW. But I feel this take is so ahistorical and does not even consider the fact that the US is a heavy militaristic propaganda state. It is sadly normal that many young men are deceived to join the military. Downplaying that immense propaganda machine and how much of America's economy is based on the military makes it quite stunning for me to have this sectarian take. Are we now suddenly gonna scold people who used to be lumpen even though they were still part of the proletariat? Are they forever reactionary because they embrace their veteran's identity and experience? Are organizations and initiatives like VAW, underground newspapers, VVAW (the radical side), Veterans for Peace suddenly all basterds because they identify themselves as veterans? I feel it's not only a dumb take, it is not strategic at all. Do you realize how effective veterans would be in helping to build a proletarian movement? Veteran's have the unique power to discredit and expose contradictions of sickening ideals of American patriotism, militarism and male chauvinism. The most criminal military people in the history of America have used their veteran's identity to seek redemption for their war crimes by exposing capitalist imperialism and the military industrial complex of America and have effectively done so, like Smedley Butler.

  • frankvictor [he/him]tolanguagelearning*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Now we have a new form of verzuiling. The Netherlands has an incredible issue on integration and cohesion between education groups. Barely any interaction between practical education and university education. This is a major disadvantage for class solidarity because many, especially the younger generation, have been struggling with their income and debt and education doesn't matter the majority of both groups is working class.

  • Oh, and you could have Smedley Butler (known for War is Racket and the Business Plot) being a CSA sympathizer and trying to defect members of the military from MacArthur to the CSA. Could give an interesting arch between the two.

  • frankvictor [he/him]tomoviesMovies You Would Make If You Could
    3 years ago

    I agree. I feel it can be really intelligent but accessible. Fun fact in the mod, Herman Goering is basically leader over the new African colonies Germany acquired and he wants to be the new Leopold. But nazism never happens. Also, Oswald Mosley plays a role in the British syndicalists and you are able to make him a leader and bastardize the society into a sort of fascist Orwellian state. I feel like in the series the American fascists would basically be like the KKK with a lot of similarities with the Nazis. Which would seem logical to me because Hitler was very inspired by the US' dark underbelly.

  • I would make a series strongly based on the Kaiserreich mod of HoI4. Basically, the lore of the mod is that Germany has won WWI and France and GB become anarcho-syndicalist. And the Russian revolution eventually fails because Lenin is assassinated. In the US, the New Deal never comes which causes John Reed to become president. Due to big capital forces, there is a lot of turmoil under his presidency and a coup is attempted. This causes that the US is split into four different governments. Basically the status quo and big capital supports the military junta run by Douglas MacArthur, the south splits and is run by a government with its leader being the populist Kingfish Huey Long. The east coast does its own thing and New England becomes a puppet state of Canada and the fled British monarchy. And of course the rust belt becomes the red belt and are called the Combined Syndicates of America (CSA) and is led by Jack Reed and other communist and socialist leaders like W. E. B. Du Bois, Big Bill, WIlliam Z Foster and maybe still alive and well Eugene Debs. Hell, you could even write in international leaders like Rosa Luxemburg, Stalin, Trotsky and Gramsci, and interesting scientists like Einstein. I feel like you could make it a great show and this alternative history would give a greater understanding of radical forces that existed in the US. The CSA would basically be the protagonist in the series. The show could give so many interesting dynamics between individuals and the different US government. Like one government could turn fascist or a weird and very unstable alliance with Huey Long for example could potentially be possible. Honestly, I highly recommend reading the Kaissereich lore, it is very interesting.