frivolity [comrade/them]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2021


  • frivolity [comrade/them]tomemesHe was right
    3 years ago

    That was arguably analagous to the oppressed 'educating' their oppressors. The landlords did not do it for them.

    edit: in a more literal sense the party had to spend enormous effort educating people to build support, the peasants weren't magically more in tune with economics and politics than landlords. SOMEONE had to teach them.

  • frivolity [comrade/them]tomemesHe was right
    3 years ago

    i have read this before and already agree, i am not claiming that it should be the oppressed's responsibility to teach, they obviously lack the resources and social position and excess effort. i am simply pointing out - the oppresors are not going to educate themselves. the people in power do everything they can to prevent that, their society is built to prevent that as much as possible. people's opinions are shaped by their material conditions, not 'what is obviously morally correct to me'.

  • i just plan on dying alone at this point, i havent had much opportunity to be around other people i would be romantically or sexually interested in, even in non sexual social situations, and am at this point literally too anxious to even try to meet new people for fear that im not mentally stable enough. the pandemic has turned me into a hermit almost at this point, and i was already a NEET with trouble relating to most people. even anonymous posting causes me significant anxiety sometimes. im just gonna continue to play videogames until i mentally deteriorate to the point where i cant sustain my corporeal existence i guess, as the people i care about slowly die off or drift away or turn into delusional monsters. divine link severed, all hope eradicated, you are a flesh automaton animated by neurotransmitters, etc. etc. life is pointless and existence is objectively meaningless and even full communism can only make it a more comfortable terrifying death trip at best.

  • he's not a fucking saint or anything but by far better than any american president or european minister, and did it during the worst war the world has ever seen. i hope you end up in an 'authoritarian' state that provides you healthcare, housing, and education to undo the decades of american sponsored nazi propaganda.