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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023

  • I bought a ThinkPad new in 2014 for my study for like 1200 euro's. She's still happily purring today. Around 2019 I made the mistake of emptying a cup of tea into the ThinkPad accidentally and then holding it upside down to get the water out. I think I should've just let it leak out of the bottom since the laptop has holes for that, but I panicked. This broke the keyboard, but not the rest of the laptop. I got an official new keyboard for like 100 euro's which came with a tool and the simple instructions, and since then everything has been working flawlessly.

    So I recommend ThinkPads, although I can't really say anything about compatibility of new models

  • Hopefully, most of the time. I feel like I'm generally friendly and helpful, and compared to many people around me I feel like I don't let myself get to carried away with anger or frustration. I'm not too good at showing it though. Due to autism I feel like there's a bit of a difference between how society expects people to show friendliness and how I do it. I'm quite reserved and I usually don't randomly show up or give gifts or something. I generally don't care about my own birthday and such, and therefore I'll also not think about those things for others. I try to detect when it does matter to people, and think of something to do or give, but honestly these expectations really stress me out.

    I can definitely be a bit of an asshole sometimes though. I don't like people talking nonsense. In places where it matters, like work, want direct communication, with as little weaseling around as possible. No big words, no politics. So I will be that person that asks the "rude" and difficult question if it's necessary. I'm also quite stubborn, and require strong argumentation to actually be convinced of something. I've become more aware of this, so I tend to think twice nowadays to ensure that I'm really fighting a fight worth fighting and don't let myself get carried away too much with debating minor things.

  • Yeah sports were my first attempt to solve it. I'm running twice a week usually and have done a few half marathons now. It's helped a bit, but my energy is still not amazing. It's probably related to having issues with mono and COVID in 2020, I've never been the same since then. Working 40 hours per week didn't help either.

  • I recently tried to get Wayland working. Followed a simple guide to enable some NVIDIA boot parameter. Somehow it fucked my complete grub and I couldn't boot until I messed around a fair bit with live usbs. Cost me a whole evening.

    So I guess what Wayland is missing is normal support from the GPU manufacturers.

  • Yeah I'm still on Windows for the same reason. I seem to be a Linux gaming bug magnet, but I just keep having issues on basically any Linux PC that I try to game on. It's getting better, but still not reliable enough for me. I have a Steam Deck now, which is super cool. But even there I had my fair share of bugs. I tried installing some software in desktop mode which instantly crashed the store (this was on first boot after a fresh install and update). I've also had my fair share of full Deck crashes during games already, especially after updates. Overall it's very cool that it all works, but I don't want to end up in a situation where I have to debug a game for 30 minutes (or more) instead of just playing the game. And that happens just a bit too often to me.

  • Ik heb na Pfeiffer en Covid blijvende vermoeidheid en andere klachten overgehouden. Dat werd door artsen toendertijd wisselend beoordeeld. Sommigen namen het serieus, terwijl anderen meteen de conclusie namen dat het tussen de oren zat. Ondanks dat ik me na een lange tijd van slechte mentale gezondheid juist weer goed voelde. Na veel dingen geprobeerd te hebben samen met m'n huisarts (die me gelukkig wel serieus nam) heb ik uiteindelijk maar de conclusie moeten trekken dat de medische wereld mij hier niet echt mee kon helpen.

    Op een bepaald moment zou ik een intensief revalidatie programma ingaan. De fysiotherapeuten etc daar vonden ook dat het een mentaal probleem was, waardoor ik uiteindelijk toch tegen heb besloten. Als ik dit zo lees was dat de goede optie. Zij wilden eigenlijk alles doen wat volgens dit artikel niet een goed idee is.

    Inmiddels gaat het, door mijn leefstijl aan te passen en langzaam op te bouwen, inmiddels weer vrij goed. Ik werk fulltime, al is dat wel zwaar, en kan weer hardlopen en leuke dingen doen. Maar ik vraag me nog steeds af hoeveel last ik er nou van heb. Meestal slaap ik tussen de middag even want anders houd ik het na een paar dagen op rij niet meer vol. In de weekenden ben ik meestal een stuk meer levend gelukkig. Hopelijk vinden ze een manier om dit probleem te testen en een manier om het te verhelpen. Ik zou niets liever willen dan dat ik fysiek weer terug kan naar normaal.

  • I don't. My mind always wanders into all kinds of stories the moment it's slightly disengaged with whatever is happening around me. Whenever I'm cooking, travelling, showering, or whatever my mind always has the urge to come up with stories. When I want to sleep, I just lie down and let it take off wherever it wants to go. Usually it slowly devolves into chaos over the course of 5-30 minutes until I'm asleep. The trick is to not question whatever it comes up with too much, but instead to just let it go.

    There are these nights where my thoughts do keep me awake though. Usually when I'm emotional about something. Idk what to do in that case. Usually I either just try to distract myself until the emotion dies down a bit, but I have no good remedy.

  • I got a Dopper watter bottle at work 2 years ago, which I'm still using. It mostly metal, apart from the removable top part and the lid. Before that I had a plastic Dopper, but I like the metal one more. Before that I used to just re-use whatever soda bottle I could get my hands on, which was apparently a bad idea because they're not made for continuous re-use.

    I haven't used any other bottle, but I have no issue with the Dopper bottles. They're quite strong, haven't leaked so far, can hold enough water (for me) and fit in my bags.

  • 18.5 celsius, which probably translates to 17.5 in some corners of the house. I used to put it on 20.5 C, but the insane gas prices and the limited gas supply motivated me to put it at the minimum I can live with. Although when working from home I usually put it lower (like 17 degrees Celsius) and use an electric heater instead in my working room. And obviously when I'm away from home it goes to like 15 degrees.

    This is all caused by the insane energy prices here in Europe last year. I think my energy bill increased like doubled or tripled. While I can pay it, it feels like an absolute waste of money (and gas) to do that. We had to work together to keep the supply high after Russian gas stopped being an option.

    Edit: this is for the Fall/Winter/Spring. Currently it's at 16 or something and hasn't turned on in months.