the only real type of cancel culture that exists is right wingers bullying people into caving to their triggers. disney should grow a spine. they definitely just miss those chudbux
the only real type of cancel culture that exists is right wingers bullying people into caving to their triggers. disney should grow a spine. they definitely just miss those chudbux
yeah bro the government banned it because if you snort asbestos it opens up your third, fourth, and fifth eye and you can see through all the government lies they don't want you seeing through. like about how war is bad and all that junk you know? if the government catches you snorting abs (that's what we call it in the community) you get the death penalty. i just snorted some a few minutes ago, and i'm pretty sure the government is stalking me. they send "people" "walking their dogs" "looking normal" down my street a couple times a day to intimidate me. the funniest part is, these people walk into houses that are right down the street from me, so it's obvious the government put them there because i was getting too informed from snorting abs.
is that when you're like not fully brit but just kinda british?
cum town
sbf is stav, luigi is nick, diddy is adam
"wifey material" -guy who isn't even friend material
legalize asbestos. its from da earf man
if i cant jerk my broken little dick to her then it's white genocide
lady video game character: gets older because the game takes place in the future
where young people are: buried in debt, unable to afford literally anything or any type of life for themselves, unable to afford to have a family. no prospects or hopes and nothing to look forward to except work tomorrow for the rest of our lives. america is teaching us to hate america because the lie these bourgeois piggies sell us about america plainly does not align with our actual material reality and conditions
any time i've tried to explain to someone that "middle class" isn't a thing, and that there's really just people who own and people who work, they will say it's semantics or splitting hairs. when they're the ones trying to divide this very plainly observable reality into all these made up little subcategories.
the right wing has created a situation in america where your average person and certainly the bourgeois piggies in the government are absolutely terrified of triggering them and facing a backlash.anytime anybody criticizes anything right wingers or white rich dudes do there are droves and droves of boot licking peons harassing you online over it. you're not allowed to call trump supporters nazis, because somehow that's worse than being a fucking nazi. you're not allowed to criticize corporations for enslaving people, because somehow that's worse than enslaving people. people walk on eggshells not to upset these people because through years of gaslighting and crybullying they've scared people of speaking out. and the democrats, not that they give a shit about trans people, but they can't debate the right on transgender issues because they know exactly what will happen to them if they do and they're too cowardly to deal with it
i have plenty of reasons to support ukraine. once my tv tells me what they are i'll come back and let you know what they are.
i live in ga. lots of travelers. im gonna start wearing a mask now.
watch the next 100 years be about how syria actually belongs to jewish people from minnesota and poland somehow
i am a worm
libs on reddit love posting this narrative. "lol the dumb arabs thought trump would be better so now they're gonna get deported for being muslim because trump is racist, unlike me" meanwhile nobody thought trump would be better, just that biden/harris couldn't be worse than what's already happening. for the year leading up to election day, all we heard was "progressives/leftists/young people will give the election to trump if they abstain from voting just because they don't like harris" but why is anybody obligated to vote for someone who they actively don't support the policies of, just because these other people do, and somehow that obligates the rest of us? they can't comprehend that their candidate is no better than the other one on anything other than rhetoric. the democratic party knew what would happen but rather than changing their course and even paying lipservice to progressives and leftists and young people, they took cheyney endorsements, went further right, and literally plugged their ears to people's protests. they gave trump the election, not people who didn't vote or voted third party