• 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 28th, 2022


  • As an aside, I love that they have to stick the “worlds second largest economy” line in, despite by every metric China being the worlds largest economy.

    For those like me who didn’t understand: China is the first economy if we rank them by GDP PPP. USA is the first by nominal GDP. So depending if you use the definition of the WTO or the IMF, China or the USA is the first economy. But, what is funny is that even IMF says that the USA is the first economy and Chine the second. That doesn’t fit their own figures

  • Thanks for the source

    It is reassuring:

    Secondly, the world corporate media completely distorted one of President Maduro’s phrases that if he lost the election there would be ‘a bloodbath’. What he meant was that the government programme of the extreme right was so brutal (wholesale privatisation of just about everything under the Venezuelan sun, including oil, gas, education, health, elimination of all social benefits and so forth) that would inevitably bring about a social reaction similar to the one against Milei in Argentina, thus leading a possible right-wing government in Venezuela to resort to force and repression, hence the President’s use of the term “bloodbath”.

  • Two of Maduro’s closest allies — the leftist presidents of Brazil and Colombia — have recently joined a chorus of nations, including the U.S., that have expressed deep concerns about Sunday’s presidential election, which Venezuelan electoral authorities said the president won by seven points.

    I shared this article because of this. Lula supported Maduro before the election but asked Venezuela to release the detailed count of the votes. And Venezuela has not done so yet.

    The opposition claims the election is rigged and the tension is high.

    Maduro warned that a bloodbath would happen after the election if the opposition didn’t accept his victory.

    The situation is worrying for the Venenzuelian people. But you say that how they present the situation is pure propaganda. Do you have a better link?

  • Could we have the whole context please?

    Why are you, a 25-year old, without driving licence in a car dependant zone? What do you do as a job? Do you have friends? Do you have hobby where you meet people?

    You sound like a prisonner at your mother’s house and your date sounds like a little issue compared to the everything else (like loneliness, no freedom to go where you please, maybe no occupation?, vulnerability to your family ….)

  • Cleanliness test were also made just before the race. The article from apnews talks about them. I could only find french newspaper talking about it but the "heavy rainfalls" seemed NOT to be a problem.

    L'orage de mardi soir "n'est pas passé loin", a admis mercredi le préfet de région Marc Guillaume, mais "il n'a pas plu sur la zone d'épreuves". En cas de précipitations intenses, de l'eau non traitée peut être rejetée dans le fleuve, un phénomène que les ouvrages de rétention inaugurés juste avant les Jeux ont vocation à empêcher. (https://www.europe1.fr/sport/jo-paris-2024-la-qualite-de-leau-de-la-seine-tres-bonne-lors-des-epreuves-de-triathlon-4260748)

    Tuesday evening's thunderstorm "was a close call", admitted regional prefect Marc Guillaume on Wednesday, but "it didn't rain on the event zone". In the event of heavy rainfall, untreated water can be discharged into the river, a phenomenon that the retention structures inaugurated just before the Games are designed to prevent.

  • If she got sick from the swim, she got unlucky because the bacteria levels were "very good". She probably got sick from somewhere else.

    It was not E. coli that made her sick, she wrote, adding that she sought treatment at a clinic in the Olympic Village on Sunday after several days of vomiting and diarrhea “left me quite empty.”

    World Triathlon said the bacteria levels last week when the individual triathlon events were held were considered “very good” and that the levels were also within acceptable limits during Monday’s triathlon mixed relay event.

    source: https://apnews.com/article/olympics-2024-paris-seine-water-quality-triathlon-6a5bbed0ab542a45314ebb21a2ac1840

  • Treating half of Europe as puppet states and sending the army to cancel reforms is imperialist. Prague 1968 is a reform movement that was initiated by Dubček the head of the party. It is not a color revolution. The operation is controversial, even for communists country, even for country of the Warsaw pact ! Albania left the Warsaw pact after the event. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prague_Spring

    I am sorry but the Brezhnev Doctrine is an imperialist doctrine.


    The goal of USSR was to impose progressively communism to the (bourgeoisie of the) whole world. Because, communism in one country could only lead to proletariat dictatorship. So to move further toward communism, they had to have a communist world. USSR imperialism is an imperialism of an other nature than the american one or the european one. Trotsky wrote about it

    Imperialism is the state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas.


    The cold war is an influence war and an aggregate of proxy war between two imperialist states. How can it be understood otherwise ?