no one will remember this whole affair by 2026
I was hoping the moratorium was because every single one of the luigiposts was terminally cringe
With its cash dwindling, Cooler Screens shifted its attention to Kroger. Avakian persuaded the supermarket chain to agree to scale up from a small pilot to 500 stores. He told staff at a meeting around this time that the Walgreens deal was falling apart and heading toward litigation, but that its new business with Kroger marked the beginning of a turnaround. Avakian added that a Kroger exec had expressed excitement about their future together and said Kroger “didn’t give a f--- about Walgreens,” according to two attendees. (Kroger declined to comment.)
you hate to see legends beefing
Here's my quick and dirty summation of each major thing in order, IMO you can't go wrong with most of it.
Eraserhead - funny and horrifying midnight movie classic
The Elephant Man - historically bunk but emotionally devastating "staight" historical drama that he stuffs with stunning visuals and remarkable empathy. produced by mel brooks!
Dune - Not For Me but it has its defenders/cult. FWIW Lynch often said developing and filming it was a waste of years of his life.
Blue Velvet - the movie that brought him to the relative mainstream and inspired ABC to get into the David Lynch business - it's not my favourite but it establishes a lot of his preoccupations going forward. incredible ensemble.
Twin Peaks - People who recommend fan edits etc are doing the show a disservice imo. Luxuriate in its horrible yet cozy yet horrible vibe and roll with the weirdness, not to mention the best-looking cast in TV/film history. Catching the third season week to week was magical.
(Fire Walk With Me - to be watched only after completing S1/2 of TP - the horrifying heart of the whole project. Critically reviled at the time, since redeemed. Sheryl fucking Lee!!!!)
Wild at Heart - made while TP was happening with a couple of cast members in common - it has a few amazing scenes but it has never been my favourite, some people adore it though. it has a bit of early 90s nastiness to it I find tough to watch idk
Lost Highway - his most 90s movie, and his most goth (unfortunately including a Marilyn Manson cameo). incredible sense of atmosphere and foreboding, but sort of feels like a dry run for...
Mulholland Dr - probably the "consensus" classic among his movies, originally intended as a TV pilot and refashioned into an irressistible dream-logic noir with endless corridors
The Straight Story - possibly underrated but I think really just underseen, a deeply moving but still subtly Lynchian G-rated movie made for Disney. quietly amazing movie.
Inland Empire - my personal fave, Laura Dern pulverizing her way through a cursed Hollywood with just the power of her incredible acting. Lynch at the most free and experimental he ever let himself get in his features, liberated by the consumer grade digital cameras
at some point it tips from fun slop to mostly boring/bad/insulting slop. but until then a few good moments here and there. I actually like ed and how kinnaman plays him, he seems like a realistically dunderheaded type of murrican and the series seems to take a sort of glee in making him suffer terribly
strawberry compote - dice em up, throw em in a saucepan with some sugar and lemon juice (+ zest if using a fresh lemon), cook for 5-10 mins and let cool
Everything kinda depends on whether that election happens in October (better for everyone who's not the conservatives, probably) or sooner than that (potentially very bad for the Libs considering how little time they could have to get their shit together)
Jagmeet is at least as long past his sell-by date as the PM is
Speaking purely on the level of political talent, PET actually possessed a measure of gravitas some of the time, something very few Canadian PMs have ever really had because we are an inherently ridiculous "country." JT by contrast seemed like a transparent phony chasing approval the whole time.
In a way this makes me sad because hating Trudeau was the one thing uniting everyone in my family across the political spectrum
these people are fools, morons or grifters sorry
not a gamer at all by gamer standards but balatro is a second to none time-killer for lengthy bus/subway commutes
Not the worst outcome, don't see what you have to apologize for tho.
Ime a perceptibly rising amount of ghosting / unreliability is just priced into dating now.
Wow I knew things were getting worse but that's a staggering figure.
That was definitely one of my biggest issues with therapy. Reading the work of David Smail on this subject was not helpful in this regard haha. I've definitely picked up an overall suspicion of health "experts" over the years for a lot of reasons, some sure to be more valid than others.
I also smoke weed, probably more than I really should, but I try to make sure to take a forced break for a week or two when I can (IE by visiting my folks in the boonies or otherwise placing myself somewhere I don't have ready access). I do like it as a relaxation/decompression strategy but I would like to cut down, if only because smoking bad for lungs (edibles too expensive tho :( )
out of curiosity what kind of dose are we talking about? I'm never quite sure what I'm doing or what to expect when it comes to mushrooms
I was thinking of McD's mainly
The essay is worthy on its own but the collected anecdotes and insights in the book are definitely worthwhile, especially for newcomers/non-leftists who may not have any opinions about say the history of economics but do almost certainly have some experience of a stupid or useless job. There's a tangible, easy to grasp contradiction in the alleged efficiency of our economic system vs the increased proliferation of these jobs that helps to keep the book persuasive from the jump. I think it's also helped by positing itself as "a theory" rather than a definitive history, something I had trouble swallowing w/r/t Debt.
is this real if so I need the clip