Let's not be too hasty to call it garbage when it could in fact turn out to be rancid dog shit.
Let's not be too hasty to call it garbage when it could in fact turn out to be rancid dog shit.
Wake me up for Lawn Darts the movie.
Unless it has Jack Black or Chris Pratt in it, then let me sleep.
Wine importers. Port strike. Good pun, even if unintended.
Interesting. I was brought up in the '80s and '90s thinking I belonged to the middle class. Tory-voting, Daily Express-reading, shares-owning parents, father a professional with his own business, living in a safe, blue seat.
It took me many years to realise that I am in fact working-class. The social mobility my parents thought we had has been quickly disassembled for mine and following generations, and despite having a 'good job' with a reliable employer, I live hand to mouth and can never dream of even saving money, never mind investing in shares.
From your post, I can now understand why my parents thought they were middle-class Tories, despite one of them growing up in a hugely deprived town with a very basic education and the other being an immigrant.
TL;DR Indonesia has vast amounts of low-grade nickel and cobalt ore that were considered too difficult to process. 3 Australian firms tried, and failed, to make the process work. A Chinese firm stuck at it and succeeded.
It is the horseshoe crab of trees
Anything I've seen where they involve Karl just comes across as playground bullying, but done by balding, middle-aged men.
Gervais was insufferable right back to his days on The 11 O'Clock Show. I regard The Office as an anomaly.
Give each person in the theatre a set of headphones that will overlay a randomised track with different in-head personas talking for each person watching. A slightly different experience every time.
Given the right conditions, some plants can live indefinitely. Others die shortly after seeding.
Do plants die of old age though? Now that question has been put in my head, I need to know.
Be back in a bit, going down a rabbit hole.
Not punching Picard in the pilot episode?
I'd like to see sensible jurisdictions at least heavily regulate, if not outright ban, demand-based and surge pricing.
Simple fix, change legal name to Al.
Poke me when he announces a remaster of either Black & White game.
Not a chance of this even getting a sniff of my hard-earned money. After the Godus debacle I'm not touching a new Molyneux game until a few tens of thousands of players have rated it as good.
Nah, my dude just wants a belly rub
Image credit to Dong 🤌
Upskill. I'm not 'upskilling' someone, I'm training them.