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Cake day: 21 June 2023

  • kd637_mi@lemmy.sdf.orgtoveganPets and vegans
    9 months ago

    I have a rabbit, but we got him through a rabbit rescue organisation that picks up abandoned rabbits and fosters them until they can be adopted. They also smuggle rabbits out of a hell state in my country that just straight up doesn't allow them as pets and kills them if found. You have to show proof you have the capacity to care for it and pay an adoption fee to cover the cost of vaccinations and shelter for the next rabbit they rescue.

    Also rabbits are the best pet. They are quiet, the are vegan, they love playing like a dog but also just lounging around like a cat, they clean themselves, and their poo doesn't smell. They are also really smart and can respond to their name, and can be easily litter trained.

  • The issue is the revolution is not an instant snap to full communism. There will need to be structures in place to prevent the slipping back into capitalism, and the undermining of the new proletarian state by internal and external forces. This means things like police, military, and government, but fundamentally different as the structure of the society they serve will not be designed to protect the wealthy. The transition from revolution to full stateless, classless, moneyless communism will take an unknown amount of time.

  • This makes me realise I need a similar term for white Australians. VB Australians? Football Australians? Any ideas? (Tooheys) New Australians works for people from NSW since it's a beer and highlights the colonialism, but I don't know about it.

    Also sticking with the beer theme, Bud Light Americans? That would doubly piss a lot of them off with their frothing rage over a trans woman doing one ad.

  • While Papers Please is very good, it has more in common with nations in a post-soviet balkanisation than a communist nation. The banality is very present in modern western government as well, and the inability to afford medicine for your child is something that is ripped straight from the modern USA. It is a great approximation of what people imagine due to media conditioning, and that makes it very easy to role-play within the game and really enjoy it.

    All in all, amazing game, amazing soundtrack, not really indicative.