im so proud of you for this one, at least I know you're not in deep enough that you repeat the "LG and Hexbear are all chinese bots!?!?" cliche.

Still it hurts, can't you stroke our egos more like normal liberals do by pretending we're important enough for China to pay attention to us like that rage-cry

    • NormalC
      10 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • PaX [comrade/them, they/them]
        10 months ago

        Yeahh, at least Ada at blahaj (the head admin) seemed nice and wanted us all to get along. I was just arguing with one of the shitjustworks admins about some stupid hostile nonsense. Not only are they not doing damage control, they're actively making it more toxic.

          10 months ago

          Ada at blahaj (the head admin) seemed nice and wanted us all to get along

          ??? Blahaj ban all "tankies" on sight, if that's "getting along" then i don't want to see how hostility looks (in an odd chance rabies might be contracted through internet).

          • PaX [comrade/them, they/them]
            10 months ago

            If I understand the situation correctly... the issues (besides their userbase) were mainly with the moderator of their 196 community who was on that anti-tankie grindset. There was dialogue between Hexbear's admins and Ada about smoothing over the issues that developed but she wouldn't do anything about the 196 mod who was actively stirring up stuff or anything about the users saying horrible things to some of our users. So that's why we defederated.

            How did lemmygrad end up defederated btw?

            • NormalC
              10 months ago

              deleted by creator

              • PaX [comrade/them, they/them]
                10 months ago

                Ada took offense to "Death to NATO." When she was called out on it, she doubled down and said it's wrong to call for death to the "People of NATO." Hilarity followed and she got dunked on.

                Ohh right hehehe, I forgot about that part

                Moreover, 196 is such a shithole vaushite comm, if you block 196 in it suddenly becomes bearable and nice.

                Yeahh, 100 percent

              10 months ago

              How did lemmygrad end up defederated btw?

              From what i understand, blahaj defederated by that 196 jerk, things were pretty cool, but he appeared and suddenly entire blahaj was on full crusade against us, also it looked he dragged down tons of his cronies or sockpuppets there to make a crowd since their threads were full of "fuck tankies" spam. Few days later they defederated so i assumed that dork have full control since everything went from 0 to 100 really fast exactly along his line.

  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    10 months ago

    Lol, imagine thinking that Hexbear and Lemmygrad are funded right out of Big Man Xi's own pockets... No, the truth is actually that all the other Lemmy instances are funded directly by Spez in order to stomp out his competition!

      • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
        10 months ago

        By the way, I keep seeing this emoji, and I get that it's supposed to represent laughter, but what's the context behind it? Who is that guy?

          • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
            10 months ago

            The emoji is called michael-laugh so evidently. I'm assuming you're referring to Michael Jamal Brooks (political commentator, 1983-2020) as opposed to the inexcusable number of other notable Michael Brooks on Wikipedia.

            • BlueMagaChud [any]
              10 months ago

              Yes, we all loved the direction he was taking MR on r/cth and then he suddenly died right before the launch of (now hexbear), so we of course created this in memoriam.

          10 months ago

          You're asking the wrong person lol you need to ask one of the older hexbear users, I consider myself a LG user (which is why I use this account) and I also have only had an account on Hexbear since May anyways, I just think it's a funny emoji. when I'm using hexbear emojis im opening up hexbear on another tab, clicking reply to some comment or post, searching for the one I want, and the copy and pasting it over to the comment I'm making on LG

          • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
            10 months ago

            I'm using Hexbear on a client that doesn't support selecting emojis and my account is only like 15 days old so that's a mood

  • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
    10 months ago people are leaving Lemmy because of Hexbear?

    Good, that motivates me to post three times as hard. Sissypea money well spent xigma-male

  • DankZedong
    10 months ago

    I've been active online and in an actual communist party for years now. I am yet to be approached by a Chinese or Russian official to be a paid shill. You'd almost think it is projection.

    • nickwitha_k (he/him)
      10 months ago

      Just remember, in the US, Nazis have more rights than you. For example, protections under federal labor law specifically do not apply to communists. Great country, eh?

        • nickwitha_k (he/him)
          10 months ago

          Government jobs, yes. Lying could result in jail time, in some cases. Jobs here are also known to pay people to search social media for dirt. Really just a matter of time before they decide to start trying to use it again to avoid wrongful termination fines.

          More than anything, I think it's important to highlight how fucked up it is that it's still on the books and no equivalent anti-Nazi laws ever have been.

    • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Wait till you see how much Wikipedia is edited from us military bases. Once again every accusation is a confession.

    10 months ago

    I know overseas shipping is rough, but I've been a China shill for about 4 years. Either China really is capitalist and they're outright stealing my wages, or my check's still en route. Regardless, I'm pretty pissed off. All this PRCposting and I haven't seen a single fucking yuan.

  • Tofu_Lewis [he/him]
    10 months ago

    I cash in one million Xi-bucks for every comment on non-Hexbear comm

    • 陆船。
      10 months ago

      Didn't you hear? Chinese dollar reserves are on the decline. The dollars must be going somewhere jajajaja

    • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
      10 months ago

      It's simple: the Russian and Chinese governments are actually one.

      I mean, think about it: have you ever actually been to Russia and China? I mean, sure you've met people who claim to be "Chinese" or "Russian" online or maybe in the street, but they're all getting paid by the government of the Sino-Soviet Socialist Republic, too. See, there was no Sino-Soviet split, actually, but rather a union — the whole split was actually a farce meant to trick the United States into believing that the socialist world was more fractured than it actually was. The USSR never actually dissolved, and there is no war in Ukraine, either — that's just a way of tricking NATO into giving billions of dollars and countless firearms and so forth to the mighty SSSR.

      The entire territory of the Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Mongolian People's Republic, the United Socialist Republic of Indochina, and the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, are all one big glorious nation. This fact must never become known to the capitalist west! It is in fact the most masterful and ingenious part of the godless communist strategy to subjugate the entire globe under the mighty, terrible heel of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat!

    • 新星 [they/them/🏳️‍⚧️]
      10 months ago

      The CPC is doing most of the funding, but Russia agreed to contribute bot technology to CPC if we would support Russia despite being a capitalist state. This scheme worked quite well, and Lemmygrad today is full of pro-Russian commenters.

      10 months ago

      Still it hurts, can’t you stroke our egos more like normal liberals do by pretending we’re important enough for China to pay attention to us like that

      Still it hurts, can't you stroke my ego more like normal liberals do by pretending I'm important enough for China to pay attention to me like that.

      (that better?)

    10 months ago

    can’t you stroke our egos more like normal liberals do by pretending we’re important enough for China to pay attention to us like that

    Reminds of that sad joke about a Jewish man in 1932 reading "Der Stürmer"