morningstar [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2020

  • morningstar [they/them]tomovies*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I fucking loved the comics, I still have all of them. They're not terribly great and definitely can be cringe but I still think they're cool as hell and fun to page through every now and again. Shit is such hyperconcentrated childhood nostalgia; I was so enchanted by that mysterious world as a kid and it's still sort of magical to look through those old comics and partially return to that headspace

  • morningstar [they/them]totechnology*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I think they are real; some are definitely man-made experimental craft. But the rest? Idk, if you think these are physical nuts-and-bolts objects piloted by alien scientists trying to study us or something it just doesn't add up; their behavior is too weird, nonsensical, dreamlike, and seemingly intentionally misleading/disinformative. I'm more amenable to Jacque Vallee's hypothesis that something much weirder is going on; UFO encounters/alien abduction reports bear an insane amount of resemblance to archaic accounts of contact with gods, angels, and the fae, and contactees sometimes have visionary psychedelic experiences of divine revelation, cosmic information downloads into their minds, and other cognitive alterations. It all seems like different interpretations of the same phenomenon. Whatever is happening to these people is clearly a psychological phenomenon on some level at least, similar to states like near-death experiences or shamanic trances/psychosis happening to people with no history of mental health problems, but sometimes physical evidence is present too. So what is it? Fuck if I know yo, but I would be absolutely flabbergasted if UFOs are literal spaceships that broke the light barrier to come visit us.

  • Be very careful with porn/masturbation; amphetamines make it intensely pleasurable but the flood of dopamine is extremely efficient at rewiring your brain into a porn-addicted hog-cranking machine. Basically ruined my life a few years ago, I'd skip all my classes and masturbate for like 8-12 hours at a time. I've mostly gotten over it but I still have to be careful whenever I take stimulants now

  • Try taking the amino acid L-theanine with caffeine; it eliminates the tense jitteriness and also confers its own benefits to focus/memory. It's present in tea but there isn't enough to balance out the caffeine content so I like taking capsules, 200mg caffeine and 200mg l-theanine gives me a really nice relaxed alertness. You can find it at most places that sell vitamins/supplements and shit

  • Right? As a self-identified crank I personally buy a decent amount of paranormal shit, and I wouldn't be surprised if aliens have been hanging around fucking with us since the dawn of humanity (with a healthy dose of skepticism and knowing I'm playing fast and loose with belief/knowledge claims) but like the ancient wonders were never things that struck me as requiring any paranormal explanation unless you're a racist. (Plus the evidence/arguments are mostly dumb) I was all happy he wasn't calling me crazy for talking about ufos but then he's like yo ancient aliens? And I'm like noooo not that kind of crank nonsense

  • Yeah, one of my friends has fallen for it. I kinda feel like it's my fault he got into it; he's a really credulous/uncritical sort of guy and I started talking to him about UFOs which spurred him to start watching all these ancient aliens YouTube vids and shit and the algorithm got him (aliens>govt coverups>NWO/illuminati>pizzagate>qanon). He never really talks about it and he really is a good guy so we've stayed friends; I've been trying to figure out the best way to do some sort of intervention on him.

    I believe/entertain a lot of extremely out-there notions myself, but qanon stuff is just so dumb and obviously fucking made-up fascist propaganda that I still can't fully wrap my head around it's gotten such a foothold, even in people prone to paranoid/magical thinking. So frustrating watching people get brainwashed

  • morningstar [they/them]tomentalhealth*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    At one point I thought a not-yet-existent superintelligent AI in the future had realized that I had realized it was going to exist one day and it was retrocausally influencing the past and people around me to prevent me from preventing it from eventually being built, and shadowy operatives who wanted the AI to get built were following me in vans and surveilling me to potentially kill me before I could spread word to the world about the existential threat. I did a lot of hiding under my bed with the lights off and ducking behind trees from passing cars.

    And word regarding the ADHD meds, that's good that you don't take it all the time. I was heavily abusing my meds and not sleeping when I got to that AI paranoia zone. Even moderate use is gonna make you more paranoid and irrational, but nowhere near as much as if you take a bunch and neglect sleep.

  • morningstar [they/them]tomentalhealth*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I've been psychotic for brief periods before; this certainly sounds like psychosis to me. I totally get the fear of bringing it up to a therapist and what they might do if you tell them, but I would seriously recommend you think about it. It's unlikely to just go away by itself, and may very well get worse and worse. Shit is fucked, godspeed comrade. Stay safe, and also maybe try to avoid taking your ADHD meds whenever you can; stimulants and psychosis are like peanut butter and jelly