According to Pew Research, the increased preference for Democrats at lower income levels and increased preference for Republicans at higher income levels only holds up until the highest income bracket, at which point there is a slight preference for Dems again.
Party preference apparently also only changes significantly based on income in non-college grads, with college grads maintaining a preference for Dems at all income levels.
According to their methodology, about 10% of the people they surveyed were classified as "upper income", so it can more or less be said to consist of the top 10% of earners (though the classification is adjusted by local cost of living, so it's not that clear). Given that this bracket is probably mostly made of college-educated professionals, it seems that education trumps income considerations for this specific bracket. So basically the preference for Dems/Reps based on income is only mostly true, with a spike in support for Dems amongst relatively wealthy college-educated professionals.
The difference here is that there previously weren't such restrictions, and she's not even putting up a fight when Republicans actively worsen conditions relative to the previous status quo. Putting up resistance to any attempts to go backwards should be the bare minimum for anyone who claims to be fighting for the rights of a marginalized group.