I hope the archive is up to the standards of you lot, its a slight bit difficult once I reach a certain data cap. Suggestions would help greatly, for example some Juche and Egoist texts would be nice
I hope the archive is up to the standards of you lot, its a slight bit difficult once I reach a certain data cap. Suggestions would help greatly, for example some Juche and Egoist texts would be nice
Honestly googling a book and then pdf works quite a bit I set up a little archive for the community, plz upvote I need like some karma. https://mega.nz/folder/3GBC1SIZ#zyFsn3bRGxOG1sy-2dOfVA
Kropotkin wrote too much, Zizek will be a pain to upload folks
If this happens, we really got the fancy lad Elagabalus as our draft pick really? Not even some cool guy like Constantine or Augustus. Even in a monarchist paradise we get the shitpick or might even get Romulus Augustulus damn that sucks
I've been doing that, marxists.org, the anarchist library, libcom.org and need to expand to others
Done that and added a couple of other books like ML Manufacturing Consent
Plus Ultra my boy. plus ultra.
Look it was what I knew of the top of my head and its my main ideology ok, Rosa is bae
No worries have already added it to the general info section, at some point may need to get some fake accounts to expand the size of the drive, because I might add some audiobooks to the mix
Libcom had some decent articles, Plan on adding Mao and Che's books on Guerilla warfare. I could put the 2000 edition or og cookbook and just start cutting up the col bits.
He's bringing back the gangs that snap their fingers and sing songs except only all boomers and gen x libs
So folks, I set up a Chapo Mega Archive come check it out, the key is in the link ChapoChat Theory Archive Edit: Give me Suggestions on what to add, if you can help great, we'll figure out how to upload stuff to it together
He has the smallest bit of text that has been stretched out of proportion by Cuban Anticommunists BadEmpanada has a good video on it, I'll try to find it
:jeb: :jeb: :jeb: :jeb: :jeb: :jeb: :jeb: :jeb: Scientific Socialism + Anarchism unite :jeb: :jeb: :jeb: :jeb: :jeb: :jeb: :jeb: :jeb: :jeb: :jeb:
I'm so confused, who's Rebro?
Link to the book: https://b-ok.cc/book/2544545/008a54
Congrats on the promo
sure thing I can pm you the account passwd and username