sorryamlate [none/use name]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2022


  • sorryamlate [none/use name]
    topoliticsam asking a small question
    3 years ago

    i am personally an hyper-paradisiac communist but i wanted to know if there is a version of free markets that is collectivist ( idk, we can do wathever we want in group and all people are created equal in the eyes of the law so dont get your fuss you gonna vote even if your a fellon and wathever, a bum on the street i do not jusdge anyone)

  • sorryamlate [none/use name]
    topoliticsam asking a small question
    3 years ago

    my version of collectivism is totally anti-cap and includes the desire to get rid of the capitalist doctrine for good.

    collectivism is ethical , capitalism is not

    collectivism is selfless, capitalism is not

    collectivism redistributes wealth all the time between employees and no one as the money for themselves so no boss having much more money than employees (basically the boss is just a normal boss not a bank) , capitalism doesn't

  • sorryamlate [none/use name]
    topoliticsam asking a small question
    3 years ago

    I don't like systems that impoverish people, because in my dream state you would see the power of the internet an hyper paradisiac communist technology save people from starvation , also you could vote on the decisions of the communist government so that everyone is happy with the economic decision voted by the people's hyper paradisiac party that takes your power to vote and have rights and gives you the opportunity to vote all the time and decide the collectivist party that own your country for 5 years and the population decides almost every decision in the country that is : where do we put the bridge (A or B), library or hockey center, where is the loomball project gona take place, etc. politiciant will have polyvalent abilities with communist requirement + the collectivist ideas of you choice you want to do during your term.