so is this a book about Lee Harvey Oswald or what?
as opposed to white people, who are generally bad luck, historically speaking.
best "I'll fuck your shit up" face I've seen in a while, thanks!
Yet another reason for why the stupid American empire can't die fast enough - no more of this AAA mainstreamed blockbuster Hollywood superhero crap with its inhumane, evil content. At least when Rome fell there was actual human emotion, with these fucking liberals it's just reptilicana everywhere. Fuck them. Burn it all down. Bring back human beings!
Well Stalin was from Georgia, so dude has a point I guess
the shit Americans call "bread"
gets me every time
and to think like half of y'all have European heritage! Capitalism even made it impossible for you to enjoy real bread. Like Donald Trump used to say, SAD !
I swear MW2 is like, almost there, but no, they’re playing it straight, which is kind of incredible in its own way, in retrospect. MW2 having a disgruntled critic of the invasion trying to get whatever they could past the CIA and MIC editors is a particular brainworm of mine that I like to entertain, though.
to this day I'm convinced MW2 was supposed to have an entirely different campaign that they somehow cut up in the very last minute. There are so many scenes from the trailer and entire levels like that bridge that's under a drone attack that never made it into the campaign, but were clearly meant to be single player levels. Or that weird nuke suitcase chase through the suburbs or whatever that was - went nowhere! There's absolutely no story payoff to that! Also the whole Shepfer turning evil and you having to chase him through Afghanistan felt weird and fake, like wtf there just plain are no fucking aircraft boneyards in AF, and also no shadow US Spec Ops Army could like hide out there, like why would they even do that and all.
No, it was supposed to be an entirely different game and I'd really like to know who fucked up and when.
Sorry for rambling, just had to get that out of my mind, I turn 40 this year. Fuck.
required reading, won't regret!
Also I srsly hope y'all are aware of that thing called "raptor cough". Basically all F-22 pilots develop serious corona-ilke coughs that stay with them for the rest of their life due to the awesome flight maneuvers they have to pull, which like fucks with their lung fluids or something. USAF looked into it and said "yup, that's real. Can't do anything about it though, sorry. Keep flying!" - yeah freedom, baby!
wait the F-150 is also called the Raptor? I'm confused
actually took me a while to realize that this wasn't a comic about BLM protesters.
Feel bummed out now.
I don’t know if humanity will be able to survive this.
Humanity will survive just fine.
White anglos boomers...maybe won't.
Good, good!
1 out of 5 Americans comrade.
Imagine Nicolas Kristof being dragged to a nice little Siberian GULag screaming "THIS IS FASCIIIIISCM!" at the top of his lungs.
You, the guard, just take a drag from your cigarette, smile cooly and reply "Oh no, comrade columnist dude, not at all. This is just socialism!"
This shuts him up, possibly forever.
yeah this fucking site is basically the NYT opinions page. Basically.
wait is this zombie survival shit making a comeback? I though that trend had peaked in like 2009.
seems to be a correlation between the appreciation of zombie vidya and how shitty AmeriKKKa's overall material conditions appear to be, pray for more of these game dropping soon
That guy needs to face some kinda wall... soon, I hope.
spent a lot of money on Gamestonks and Bitcoin. One didn't really pay off. Fuck.
Folks, we love our Ian, don't we? He spends his time digging up the old weapons, the Krag-Jorgensen, the Volkssturm Gerat 06, the Chau-Chat....he uncovers their secrets and makes them un-forgetten, so to speak! Great guy, great service to our beloved gun nuts...I would have liked to go to history class with Ian, wouldn't you agree! And of course Crazy Nancy devotes so much of her hateful energy against Ian and tries to destroy him whenever she can...but we won't let that happen folks, won't we?