tigerking [any]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 15th, 2020


  • tigerking [any]togamesIs Call of Duty satire?
    4 years ago

    Just play the multiplayer because they are absolutely playing it straight they actually have us military liasons for there story modes and get tax breaks or incentives because of it

  • tigerking [any]tomainWeekly Mental Health Check-in Thread
    4 years ago

    Honestly really bad im having alot of trouble finding a new place for my fam in my budget and my sisters refusal of treatment for her alcoholism finally hitting its breaking point of her losing her job and going through severe alcohol withdrawl and having to take care of her has my anxiety so high i cant eat unless i force myself

  • I completely understand how you feel this shit sucks i also work a hard labour job. On the weekends i just sleep and do nothing but i try my hardest to get up and do something because i know that if i dont try then for sure i wont feel better

  • You are deff not alone in this we only have the one life we just have to enjoy the little things we can. The only enjoyment in my life is videogames is that pathetic.... sure but it brings a small peace and happiness and maybe there is something more in this stupid life that can do that