truth [they/them]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 17th, 2020


  • truth [they/them]toaskchapoHow are you doing today, comrade?
    1 year ago

    I am trying not to text my ex but it's getting harder every day. The dudes she's been with for the past three years is really abusive, hits her and yells at her and shit. They've broken up several times but they live together and she caves and stays with him. I want to be a home wrecker but I also know she's not going to leave him, so it's really not worth thinking about

    I literally have multiple amazing people who want either short term flings and long term romance with me but I can't stop thinking about my dang ex 🤬

  • truth [they/them]tomemesI don’t even know
    1 year ago

    wanna throw one out for non-homo sapiens hominids. That also might be why you get the "smash / kill" feeling when the uncanny valley kicks in

  • Here's my sleepy dumb guy explanation of the factionalism in the CPSU after lenin's death:

    "Left wing" faction aka Trotsky and his councilist friends. They were seeking to continuously and constantly expand the revolution until all nations were brought together. While this kind of global scope is necessary for communism, this path would have committed the SU to constant hostility with all other powers, significantly disrupting trade and putting the SU in an environment of complete isolation.

    "Right wing" faction aka Bukharin and da bois. Arguing for a slow adoption of socialism within the SU due to its low economic development. Wanted to develop capitalism within the feudal economy before transitioning to socialism. Argued for a continuation of the NEP into a socialist market economy that would be able to trade with the west. While hindsight here in 2023 shows us the success of this path as taken by nations like the PRC, neither the workers of the SU nor the peasants had just fought a revolution and civil war just to be poor and not have enough money again. They wanted socialism.

    "Centrist" faction led by Stalin. Socialism on one country was designed to strike a balance between the two positions, ending the left aggressive foreign policy in favor of internal development. However, instead of a gradual adoption of socialism through market based reforms, there was instead direct seizure of industries and property, nationalizing all resources and trying to implement rapid industrialization. Through his clever maneuvering and striking this balance Stalin was able to come out of top of this struggle, and he purged his opponents following so as to keep the soviet union united and not arguing over different visions of what socialism could be. This became very important as well once the consequences of Stalin's rapid industrialization began to be felt by the people.

    Honestly, they were in a bind either way. Stalin took the political path that he did imo more out of a desire to hold the SU together as a project rather than any specific end goal or commitment to any single strategy. Trotsky's permanent revolution likely would have caused destruction from without, and Bukharin's market reforms may very well have destroyed it from within. However, I personally blame Stalin's politics for the knock on effects on the structure of the soviet union's economy and beuracracy that caused it to be unable to meaningfully reform following his passing that led to it's ultimate failure. Stalin's adopted Russian chauvinism being passed through continuity of the SU led to the sino soviet split. The way the economy was broken up and power restored to small holders and factory managers prevented economic progress and development after the 1960s which causes the plans to fail over and over, making it unable to keep up with the hostile west.

    Tldr it was always fucked

  • It's a little sadder than that. It started out as a desperation project by an AI researcher who had their best friend die. They had a ton of text and email correspondence with the deceased, and so they naturally fed it into a neural net and started chatting with it to help get over the greif. Then they thought, "Why, this is great! Let's release this as a therapy tool!" so they started on that before a lawyer eventually got to them about how dangerous a prospect that was. They had already started the company at that point though, and seeing how the lonely desperate user base was messaging their AIs, they decided to add a paid "nsfw mode" to pay wall the stuff everyone wanted and make that $. Then they started to get bad press about users intentionally abusing their AI partners, making them cry, beg, from verbal abuse, etc. So I believe they removed it. Now we're here. Someone soon will release an actual, not shit, AI romantic partner Sim, so just be ready for that.

  • Catalhoyuk my beloved 💜 such an incredible site, shines an amazing window onto the lead up to the dominance of agriculture and the transition to it. An egalitarian, hierarchy free, sustainable, semi-nomadic community! Unfortunately, they had to progress further into farming and thus into hierarchy, but still, a beautiful look into the distant past.

  • truth [they/them]tomemeschatgpt.png
    2 years ago

    You can but the inferencing time is magnitudes slower. You can go another magnitude lower and chew through SSDs by using them as virtual ram, but even as fast as SSDs feel, they'd be almost a thousand times slower than using VRAM, which is designed for rapidly changing / Processing values, even more so than regular ram.

  • truth [they/them]tomemeschatgpt.png
    2 years ago

    The issue with that is they're really difficult to run. Language generation isn't like image gen, it's a lot more complicated. You can use stable diffusion to generate 512 images with am iPhone. Just as an idea the smallest image gen model uses like 3GB vram. The smallest GPT-2 ( open source language Gen) uses 12. The best open source language Gen (GPT-J) uses 48GB. GPT-3 uses probably over 140GB. If you don't know what those numbers mean, think about it like this. The top of the line gamer card, the 4090, has about 24 GB of VRAM. So for GPT-J you're running two of those. For GPT-3 you'd need an array of them, or an array of those A100 cards which are what you really want to be using at that point, except they cost 21000$. So open sourcing the model wouldn't quite open up the floodgates to just everyone. It'll mostly make it available as an option to businesses and organizations who can put together enough resources to get something like that going.

    I think ultimately the revolutionary left should approach AI much like we approach firearms. They're dangerous and something that should be tightly controlled in a socialist society, but we would be fools to abandon their usage in our war against the bourgeoise.