whygodwhy [none/use name]

  • 16 Posts
Joined 3 年前
Cake day: 2021年4月29日


  • First line of Capital by Karl Marx : "The wealth of those societies in which the capitalist mode of production prevails, presents itself as “an immense accumulation of commodities""

    Average life of worker under capitalism - Work, make wages, buy stuff with wages, repeat.

    Average life of worker under USSR - Work, make wages, buy stuff with wages, repeat.

    It is this condition of the working class that communists seek to abolish. The working class in USSR suffered the same impersonal domination of the value-form as working classes everywhere.

    The USSR could not be communist because communism is an international movement, not something that can be realized in a single nation. Look at any capitalist country, trade(exports and imports) makes up a giant chunk of the GDP.

    The USSR called itself communist because since the Stalinist counterrevolution, they were simply opportunists who seek to enforce their own different version of capitalism while pretending they were communists (ring a bell? China, Cuba, NK all do the same thing)

    Communism is the real movement of the working class to abolish their present conditions of existence, and replace it with one where there is no longer any domination of capital over man, nor is there domination of man over capital, but capital literally doesn't exist anymore.

    There is no money, exchange, wage labor, commodity production, profit and other such categories in a communist society.

    Such a society can only be achieved by an international movement of a revolutionary working class led by a class party that follows the principles of scientific socialism(aka Marxism).

    Hope this is clear. If you want to understand more, read the following texts

    "Communist Manifesto" by Marx, "German Ideology" by Marx. And these following ICP party texts.


    https://www.marxists.org/archive/bordiga/works/1957/fundamentals.htm https://www.marxists.org/archive/bordiga/works/1926/lyons-theses.htm. If you spend the time and effort to understand these 5 texts, (it will take 6 hours at most) you will already be a better communist than 99% of self described communists out there, online and IRL, who simply do not understand the basic concepts of what communism is and what actually has to be done.

  • Not supporting electoralism means the communist parties shouldn't spend their time and energy trying to win votes or changing their program to appeal to more voters. It doesn't mean you shouldn't vote for a communist party.

    Electoralism is one of the reason why many communist parties diluted and destroyed their own programs, but no communist party, principled or otherwise was ever like "don't vote for us". That's just defeatism and laziness.

    Please read "Leftwing communism" by Lenin. I'm a leftcom and it's so funny people tell me to read this book without ever reading it themselves.

    Voting hardly takes a few hours. In terms of hours invested vs potential result it is one of the best things you can do.

    Next time, vote for the communist party, wherever you are, regardless of chances of winning.

  • This makes sense lol. Forgot about inflation, just 10 years ago making 78k would be the same as making 100k today. 78k, while nothing to scoff at, was also nothing special even in 2010. Coupling that with ultra inflated housing education and healthcare, I can see why 100k makers see themselves as normal.

    Edit : also It makes me realize how much better people's lives would be if housing, hcare and edu was socialized. It's just a simple socdem policy, but it would make people lives better by a million percent.

    I think that's that's the secret trick the bourgs have in case of civil war/riots. They won't "Nordify" until there's a literal civil war, because such a policy is near guaranteed to placate the proletariat.

  • whygodwhy [none/use name]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    3 年前

    Not sure what you are being bothered by? What is there to be bothered about?

    1. Communists do not define class by income, but by their relation to the production process. Someone making $200k a year as an oil rig engineer or a software developer in a startup is a worker. Someone making $50k a year as a self-employed/small business owner/landlord etc is a member of the petit bourgeois. Therefore, some millionaires are workers, others bourg or petit-bourg.

    2. This distinction between classes serves as a useful tool to determine potential allies and enemies. But to see if if INDIVIDUAL persons are enemies or friends, you have to look at their actions and their professed ideas.

  • This reads like the blabbering of an 80 year old. I'm not even going to bother responding to this . Just understand that people attempting to coax workers into electoralism are not just misguided, they are the enemies of communism, whether they act knowingly or unknowingly.