windowsxp [she/her]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2021

  • Yeah, I get where you're coming from. Most of the time I feel like Jacob, like if I met God I'd want to beat the shit out of him and MMA for a full evening until it gets to the point that he has to break my hip or something to end it (my fav bit of Genesis, lol), I'd want to know why it had to be this. I'd be pissed if we met face to face. It's to the point that I dont think atheists have it right, theres just too much suffering and some of it so petty and targeted that it doesnt seem like random chance would be sufficient, if anything the Gnostics had it right - theres an evil creator demiurge that runs this shit.

  • r/collapse was definitely trending left while the old sub was around. Then we got banned and people lost interest in hanging out in and trying to push it left. It remains a good place to radicalize people, but any energy put into that would be put to better use radicalizing and base-building IRL given how bad material conditions are lately.

  • windowsxp [she/her]tomainGamestop linewatching thread
    4 years ago

    Oof, lol. Keep holding, I think itll peak above 120 this week near market close. Welcome to gambling on wall street.

    To really make it you need a diamond will and the ability to stomach a lot of risk and short term loss and not immediately turn away. You also need to know when to cut losses, lol. GME remains the most shorted stock out there and the infinity squeeze hasnt hit hard yet. If you cant stomach a lot of risk, just set your price at like 110 or something so you make a little money.

    Also, keep in mind that half the people on wall street bets that made a lot of money just do the opposite of what the other half say to do, lol. It's really important to study the Greeks (alpha, gamma, theta, etc) and do your own due diligence and make your own thesis on a stock or option. If you dont want to put in that work, just invest in an index fund or something big like coke and just wait 20 years.

    edit: oh yeah, I'm not a financial advisor and this should not constitute financial advice, blah blah blah. Don't take advice of internet people.

  • Use an app like robinhood. If your doing this for the GME gains you probably wont make much money because it's already hot (even though I believe it will go to 120 or 150 this week), do it for different plays or just for fun like casino gambling. Never ever invest more than you can afford to lose, as in just put in money you wouldnt care if it all went to 0.

  • windowsxp [she/her]tonewswhat journalism will be like from now on
    4 years ago

    :In the background, cars set ablaze, BLM riots, Q chuds doing stochastic violence on synagogues, deepstate ghouls bombing cities:

    "And next, what fad diet should you try next? And also stick around for our top ten tiktok meme list. See you after the commercial break."

  • Where I live, when I was a kid, it's supposed to be -15. I even had to go to school in -30, lmao.

    Now, every year, it peaks above 0 for a couple weeks in December and January. Then it nosedives again in February and March. That polar vortex thing is permanent, warm early winters and bitter springs. It confuses the fuck out of the trees and birds. They start budding and then get fucked over. I look around and see bare branches in the park every summer, like things are getting really bad really fast.

  • The power of the superstructure of the internet to completely absorb potentially militant movements should not be underestimated. Q people were willing to go into the capitol, Q people bring guns to rallies and yell at their legislators. Q people got at least one congressperson elected in less than 3 years from inception to mass movement. And now, here they are. We should take this as a lesson, too.

  • You can still make money yoloing on GME, lol. I think it has room to go up, the big squeeze hasn't happened. But if you didn't get in during the summer when it was like 5 or 8 per share it's not like you'll be able to turn a grand into a house down payment like some of the people on wsb were able to. I wouldn't be suprised to see $100 or more per share next week. Don't take random internet people's advice and actually read up on GME and short squeeze for yourself along with the greeks to make your own decision.

    wsb seems cool when you read about the people starting with a random $500 bonus and turning it into a million over a year or two, but it's also full of people that squandered fortunes. It is literally gambling.

  • If you do this turn off share lending (apps and brokers occasionally loan out your shares to other brokers or investors), that's the whole point of trying to short squeeze - dry up liquidity and make them pay 20:1 or more for GME to cover their margin calls.

    Also, if you're doing this and you're starting to hear a lot of other people doing it then it's probably time to get out, lol. A lot of bankers and shit knew things were about to go down 1929 because even the shoe shine boys were trading stock on margin, same deal in 2008 with mortgage loans and CDOs. You could make some money but it's already sitting at 60 or something per share and apparently that's around 355x price to earnings (the same as Amazon) so the bubble is going to burst any second. It's only going up and staying up because of all the margin calls being made and you can never tell when somebody is about to miss a call and not have enough cash to cover and then everybody is just going to be out whatever they put in.

    Only gamble the money you're not afraid of losing.