wubblewobble [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2020


  • Story-wise, I think the first one might be the best. And the combat in 1 and 2 is kinda janky, but much more noticable in the first one. Its probably much harder to go back to one after already playing three than playing them in order. If you have at least some tolerance for jank: crank down the difficulty and start with the first one.

  • Syncthing is probably the safest of all options, but if you want to trade a bit of paranoia for convenience, you can also sync your keepass database to a cloud provider of your choice. Then your pc doesnt have to be running to synchronize. As long as AES stays secure, even the cloud provider cannot decrypt it.

    For added security, you can encrypt your password database with a file in addition to the master password (and then manually transfer that file to your phone via wire once).

  • It hasn't been recommended yet, and while those are not long form shounen shows, PsychoPass and Code Geass both are great shows with strong leftist themes. IIRC those are both original animes (i.e. not manga adaptations) and that translates to a satisfying ending unlike most adaptations nowadays.

  • I went through stages of "Wow, this is a really fashy show" to "Wow, this is a brilliant subversion of fascist shows" until I read a comment here that convinced me that it's at least cryptofascist. Regrettably, it's still a well crafted story and I'd like for someone to convince me that I'm still wrong about it, and my second take was correct.

  • I don't think that it's quite as bad as you are making it out to be. Anime as a whole is more polarized than western media, and yes, a lot of it is fucking reactionary, but so is most western media. But there is also a lot of stuff with solid left themes (e.g. Psycho Pass). I agree however that there are a lot of really disgusting shows that have become mainstream in recent times. But is it really reflective of the whole medium that there are very shitty popular shows?

    I don't even think that anime overall is more reactionary than Hollywood.

  • I am still conflicted on the show because the titans itself seem to be a subversion of the typical fascist antagonist figure. They are simultaneously powerful (big and strong) and weak (easily outsmarted) just like whatever enemy fascists like to make up.


    Then comes the revelation that they are exactly that, an artificial enemy kept in place by the ruling class to keep the population in line.

    I can't help but think that the show isn't all bad. It seems fashy at first but after the point of the above revelation I'm not so sure anymore.

  • Sure. I don't want to attack anyone that enjoys that kind of stuff. I can watch streams of complicated games if i want to learn them, but the format is not really for me. The streams are too long, and with most games that are streamed, you can't really do anything else without missing most of it.

  • I don't think I know any that are communist per se (except maybe the Chinese one about Karl Marx, but I haven't gotten around to actually watch it) but I can recommend some with strong leftist themes:

    Code Geass is basically Reform or Revolution - the anime.

    Psycho Pass is a cyberpunk dystopia with a police force that tries to prevent crimes before they happen (and a super heavy criticism on why that is a majorly stupid idea)

    Princess Principal is a steampunk spy drama set in a alternate universe london, where a proletarian revolution of some kind has split the city in two. It can be a bit lib at times but I absolutely love this show.