Don't want to spoil anything for those of you who arent caught up on the manga, but I've heard some hot takes regarding Eren and how the show is fash propaganda. Even though I see where these takes are coming from, I cant help but enjoy reading the manga.

  • wubblewobble [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I am still conflicted on the show because the titans itself seem to be a subversion of the typical fascist antagonist figure. They are simultaneously powerful (big and strong) and weak (easily outsmarted) just like whatever enemy fascists like to make up.


    Then comes the revelation that they are exactly that, an artificial enemy kept in place by the ruling class to keep the population in line.

    I can't help but think that the show isn't all bad. It seems fashy at first but after the point of the above revelation I'm not so sure anymore.