xxtrash [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2020


  • xxtrash [he/him]tomainHornyposting thread!
    4 years ago

    I want a hot older guy to dote on me, hold me on his lap, shower me with compliments/kisses , give me a massage, then just rail my ass until I am a moaning mess.

    As I read this I realize I need some serious gay tlc.

  • xxtrash [he/him]tomainUwU
    4 years ago

    Yeah sorry I should have clarified it better. It's hard for me to verbalize what the issue is. It's like, there are big artists who market themselves as a character, but also as themselves? So you get people who fawn over a certain character, and then the artists use that "in" as a way to approach people for abuse. When it's a fandom made up of people having curated identities the lines between boundaries become blurred. As expression I have no issue with it, but as a fandom with conventions, merchandise, and where people literally market themselves as a form of product- things get fucked up.

    I'm really frustrated by this conversation.

  • xxtrash [he/him]tomainUwU
    4 years ago

    Making a furry avatar that can be slipped on/off and changed at any at any time is in no way similar to living in a trans body and I'm really grossed out by this.

  • xxtrash [he/him]tomainUwU
    4 years ago

    Firstly, I am coming from the perspective of someone who was active in the fandom for several years, got sexually/psychologically abused, and had an artist use their clout to silence me. I have met several other victims who have suffered similarly. This kind of thing has been a problem in the community for decades, especially because the content appeals to young and curious lgbt people.

    I know my experience paints my opinion of the fandom. In my opinion it's a fandom that glorifies parasocialism and emotional disassociation. Diverting emotional responsibility through avatars is the best way I can describe it.

    If ppl want to have a furry community here IDGAF because I won't participate, but I couldn't help but be annoyed when I saw "disliking the furry fandom" equated to "hating queer people".

  • xxtrash [he/him]tomainUwU
    4 years ago

    As a trans person who has a really side eye opinion of the fandom (after being physically/psychologically abused, viciously, by some high profile people in the fandom) please do not make this comparison. It's gross. People can be queer/queer positive and still have big problems with this fandom.

    A lot of furry is problematic and there is a big lack of accountability/responsibility in furry spaces and it's not wrong for people to be wary of it.

  • xxtrash [he/him]tomainExistential crisis time
    4 years ago

    Seconding shroom therapy. I did shrooms last year and I felt like my brain was cleansed. It really helped see things from a "macro" level and it helped rid me of the feeling of having the world on my shoulders. It didn't solve everything, but it reduced/removed a lot of PTSD trauma and it helped me kick a pot addiction.

  • xxtrash [he/him]
    totechnology3D printer enthusiasm thread
    4 years ago

    Oh yeah, I think 3D printers are technologically where cell phones were at in the 80's. I'm very excited about what this technology is evolving into and what we're going to see in the future.

  • xxtrash [he/him]
    totechnology3D printer enthusiasm thread
    4 years ago

    If you get a prusa you will have to fiddle with it less than if you got a sub 500$ machine. You will still have to calibrate it on occasion tho. 3D printers are getting close, but they're not quite 'set it and forget it' just yet.

  • First, I'm trans, so I'm going to explain things from the perspective of a trans person who didn't get to transition until they were 28.

    Puberty blockers are a -temporary- measure that are used for the child to have some time to figure out which direction they want to go. From what I could find, puberty blockers could be used safely for up to two years with no consequence. Long term use could cause stunted growth, but puberty blockers shouldn't be used for that long anyway. The goal is to pause the puberty, work out what the child's feelings are in therapy, then upgrade to a full transition, or back off and let the child have a "normal" puberty.

    As someone who had to go through male puberty at age 28, I wish I could have taken puberty blockers and undergone transition at age 11 instead of 28. Transitioning from female to male (and visa versa) is like going through puberty all over again, because it is. I had mood swings and anger problems, and it was super frustrating having to experience these angry/horny teenage hormones while trying to work at my retail hell job and keeping up with rent.

    Not transitioning early meant that I didn't get any of the social experiences with people in my side of the gender spectrum either. I never socialized with boys, and now that I'm a man I'm disconnected from the other men around me because of our lack of shared experiences. I was socialized as a woman for almost three decades, and this fact has caused rifts in my personal, social, and work life that wouldn't be there had I just been raised as a boy from the outset.

    My puberty caused me extreme agony as well. The moment I started developing secondary sexual characteristics everything went down hill. Transgender people often have weird, unstable, hormone levels and it was the same for me. At age 11 I was having panic attacks when I saw my body in the mirror. I had horrendous cramps. I felt disgusting and awful all the time. Middle school was so bad for me that my brain blocked most of it out. I would have done anything to put puberty on hold, but it was the 90's, and I had no idea what was going on with me or my body. That and, if I transitioned early, I would have had almost all of the secondary sex characteristics that I dreamed of. The earlier the transition, the better the results.

    In my opinion, denying puberty blockers is more about denying the right of trans people to control their own bodies with "think of the children!!!!" slapped on it to work people up. It's just more moral panic.