I read the books this year because I wanted to feel pain, basically, and I wanted to be justified in disliking Harry Potter. I was not disappointed. However, I still don't understand how the fuck the end of the book worked. It was so harebrained and convoluted and sloppy as fuck that I don't know what actually happened. Am I stupid or was it a bad ending? And what the fuck happened? How did they actually kill Voldemort?

    • Gorn [they/them,he/him]
      4 years ago

      I like to tell myself that Avada Kedavra is just a end spirit command, since it doesn't mar the body, and it only hit the outer shell of spirit in Harry's body, which was that piece of Voldy's that was pasted over top when Harry was accidentally made into a Horcux by that same spell. Though ya, it's never explained haha. Could also just be residual love magic from the first time Voldy tried to Kadaver Harry