On the one hand, we're seeing the consent manufactury kick into overdrive and a lot of state department goblins seem to be absolutely itching for a fresh round of meddling. Cuba as a client state would open the door to all manner of renewed imperial nightmares in the carribean and South America.

On the other hand, it feels like most people's reception of the situation outside of dedicated chuds and Floridians (but I repeat myself) is muted, and I've already seen a few small anti-intervention protests pop up. After two decades of war, with a domestic civil society whose coherency is hanging by a thread and a global presence that is increasingly challenged, I feel like a flubbed regime change effort there would be the true beginning of the end for the U.S.' empire.

If this is a dumb-dumb take, please don't hesitate to tell me so.

  • duderium [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It just seems like the media / Biden are attacking a different country every few weeks. Before they were obsessed with China. Before that, it was Putin’s soulless eyes. Before Putin, it was ISIS (I know, not a country.) Who the fuck is it going to be next week? Grenada? The way things are accelerating, within a few years it’s going to be a different enemy country every five minutes.

    • Candidate [he/him]
      3 years ago


      Man, I've been playing way too much EU4 lately, as I got real confused as to why Biden would be demanding intervention into a part of Spain.

    • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      They are probably trying to see what the population will go for and see what sticks. However after decades of cable news, we have no attention span.

      • duderium [he/him]
        3 years ago

        So true. They've been cycling back to Trump now as well. They have kind of a serious problem because without their big wet boy in the White House nobody fucking cares. All the different corporate media outlets have lost at least half their viewers since President Civility took over.

    • Skysthelimit [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      This is typically what happens when there is a senile ruler (or a child). There are constant behind the scenes palace intrigues that don't make any sense unless you are one of the few who understands what's really going on. From the outside it will appear disjointed and contradictory.