There is no number of foreigners that is unacceptable to sacrifice for a middle class livelihood. Anti-cop because they can imagine a scenario where a cop inconveniences them. These principles don't apply to the Waffen SS because they can't imagine a soldier personally inconveniencing them and, of course, foreigners aren't really humans.

  • Redbolshevik2 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    On the notion of "but the propaganda!"

    There is far, far more copaganda in the US than military propaganda. Almost all of the top ten shows in the US at any given time for decades have been cop shows.

    If "but the propaganda" elides guilt for the military, why not cops? Is it because cops affect you and the military doesn't? I'm open to alternative explanations.

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
      2 years ago

      I’d argue that the military propaganda is more effective than the copaganda, even though you’re right that there’s more copaganda. But I think your reasoning is the answer to that too: Copaganda isn’t as effective because it’s disproven every time you actually have to interact with a cop in real life. But since Americans don’t get harassed (or murdered) by soldiers like they do by cops, the reputation of soldiers doesn’t fall in the same way.

    • LeninsBeard [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Yeah I agree generally with the idea that people who signed up for the imperial death machine don't deserve to be pitied or forgiven but I think you're really underestimating the pervasiveness of pro- military propaganda.

      Just about every action movie I can think of glorifies the military in some way, whether it be by directly showing the US military on glorious battle or plays into the trope of a badass ex-marine who needs to kill his (and it's always his) way through hordes of faceless enemies to save the world. Even a lot of cop shows have an underlying glorification of the military.

      Not even to mention that we have entire days devoted to the military, which we don't have for cops, at least not at the level of i.e. veterans day. Not to take away anything from the larger point but I honestly think that pro-military propaganda is much more pervasive and insidious than copaganda.