Big Bang Theory is a terrible show.

It's not because of "nerd blackface." Fuck you :reddit-logo: for making that the presumed reason for anyone to dislike that show.

It's a misogynistic, cryptoracist, ignorantly ableist (setting back public understanding of autism by years) and lowkey homophobic unfunny mess that is written like the script was printed on plastic sheets made from melted down Funko Pops. Also, the :my-hero: worship is insufferable.


  • dead [he/him]
    2 years ago

    If I ever find myself agreeing with a chud, and it does happen, that leads me to a serious period of self criticism. I see liberals too often say that fascists are agreeable and I never see liberals criticize themselves for agreeing with fascists. You hear liberals say lines like "Hitler rose to power because he told the truth sometimes". Liberals will hear a fascist say something they agree with and then think that they need to hear what else the fascist has to say. The correct response to agreeing with chuds is self criticism.

    In some cases that I have found myself agreeing with chuds in the past, it was because I was mistakenly being reactionary. We live in a reactionary society. It is very easy to be reactionary mistakenly without recognizing it. Finding yourself agreeing with chuds is an easy indicator that you are being mistakenly reactionary. Self criticism is important.

    That is not to say that every time a chud agrees with you that you have reactionary beliefs. Broken clocks are sometimes correct. In the circumstance where you are not being reactionary and a chud happens to agree with you, self criticism won't hurt you.