Absolute cum stain of a film, ruined an already brutally stupid premise set up by TFA. Eat my whole ass hexbear, I’m not going to hitch my ride to this shit because it tripped half way into making a good point with some vaguely sucdem rhetoric.

Just trash all around, its sequel was king trash only because this bullshit laid the groundwork for trash. A fucking structural engineer had to design a solid trash foundation for that steaming pile of shit ROS. Most boring movie I’ve seen in theaters. 3+ hours of diahrrea o stg if i see another post praising this movie I’m going to eat my shit. Shape the fuck up, this movie sucks.

    • Lussy [any]
      1 year ago

      If I didn’t love you I would tell you to shut the fuck up and not be blind for 3 whole minutes. I’m convinced none of you have seen this movie and are just trying to be contrarian. I am the only person on this site to have seen three hours of this shit, yeah? You all ditched the theater to post about how great this movie is and I had to go out and actually see it.

      None of you actually saw it, none of you know who the characters are or what a light sword or w/e is, you just saw a SHITE movie and thought ‘what the hell, fuck the right I fucking love this steaming pile of trash lmao’.