New tagline just dropped.

  • culpritus [any]
    11 months ago

    holy fucking shit

    Yup, don’t know how that’s not obvious to everyone at this point. They just shit on anything western/American to be contrarians. China is good cuz MURICA bad. I’m not a fan of imperialistic western behavior either but that doesn’t make China a positive influence on the world stage.

    I really thought more liberals-leaning-left had become more aware after 2020. I guess if you can't abide the anti-capitalist perspective, it's quite impossible to fight against the propaganda currents.

    • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
      11 months ago

      shitting on the global hegemonic imperialist power into which the exploited labor of billions feeds is "contrarian". of course.

      I’m not a fan of imperialistic western behavior either

      oh no, they better not follow it up with a b--



      doesn’t make China a positive influence on the world stage

      I'm a little confused by what metric China isn't a positive influence on the world stage. sure, call them 1985 george ornell aminal farm authoritaritarians all you want inside their country, continue to make social credit score jokes like a dipshit, whatever, but China hasn't declared war on a country in decades and they've actively pumped one trillion dollars into infrastructure projects in developing countries, forgiving debts as often as not. meanwhile, the US pumps trillions of dollars into murdering civilians into several of those same countries.

        11 months ago

        they’ve actively pumped one trillion dollars into infrastructure projects in developing countries

        I think it's important to point out it's not the dogshit kind of infrastructure that Western dogs build, only building railroads from mines directly to ports to more easily steal the Global South's resources, China's actually helping build infrastructure that interconnects these countries economies so they can actually develop.

        11 months ago

        sure, call them 1985 george ornell aminal farm authoritaritarians all you want inside their country, continue to make social credit score jokes like a dipshit, whatever, but ...

        I get your point but this isn't a consistent expectation. They're unserious people who haven't got a coherent outlook on countries like China, they accept an aggregate of headlines and reddit comments or tweets they come across. MSM doesn't portray China as a force for good on the foreign scene, in fact it uses vagueries to scaremonger, so it's natural that somebody who's fallen for CCP genocide, opression whatever narratives won't look into the facts of the matter and see the good the PRC does.

      • Fuckass
        10 months ago

        deleted by creator

    • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
      11 months ago

      Iraqi who saw the US turn their family, friends, and neighbors into bloody puddles and their homes into rubble: You know what, I'm thinking the US is kinda bad.

      Hexbears: I have solidarity for this person.

      Lemmy.shitlib: CONTRARIAN

      11 months ago

      They started to, then the US began spending billions on anti-China propaganda in around 2018, so they've swung back to believing everything bad the US says about China is automatically true.