
    • AntifaSuperWombat [she/her]
      11 months ago

      For trans men it does. But once testosterone has thickened your vocal folds no amount of estrogen can reverse that process sadly.

    • omenmis [she/her]
      11 months ago

      nope, once u go thru a male puberty your vocal chords are permanently thickened ooooooooooooooh

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        11 months ago

        The upside is that with enough training, you can still produce almost the entire feminine vocal range. It's a lot easier to get a hyperfeminine voice with thickened vocal chords than to get a hypermasculine voice without them., especially due to how resonace works. It's not that hard to get your larynx all the way up, but when you want to expand the resonating space in your throat without having gone through a testosterone puberty, there's just clear physical limits you run into.

      • kristina [she/her]M
        11 months ago

        Tbh I'm not so certain of that anymore. I'm physically incapable of dropping my voice after 10+ years hrt, maybe disuse of the lower rung of the chords thins it out over a long time

        Used to be a low baritone