Comments are removed here on hexbear because our mods are awesome and banned that chud but if you want to see his bullshit its over there. He goes on to say that nonbinary identities are incompatible with gender abolition and shit.

  • Rom [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Chuds think that we as a collective species are only allowed to focus on the One True Issue afflicting humanity at a time, like reality is a game of Civilization or some shit, and any other problem no matter how lesser than that is insignificant and a waste of time to address while other, more important problems exist. Even though literally every problem they just described is caused by capitalism/fascism (but I repeat myself) and leftists are clear about abolishing capitalism and fixing all the problems it created, to include disease, hunger, homelessness, and everything else that isn't being fixed because it's not profitable to do so.