• CTHlurker [he/him]
    1 year ago

    you should see some of the faces people make when i refer to those parasitic consultants that plague the public sector as corruption. A lot of times people think I'm being hyperbolic, but I genuinely think those types of partnership is as damaging as a public official just pocketing the money that was supposed to go to a project. Coincidentally, those consultants are also the main reason why all public projects cost infinitely more up here than anywhere else.

    • CarmineCatboy [he/him]
      1 year ago

      For what it's worth you gotta respect the grift. As far as forms of social control go, at least the gravy train of 'consultants' is a bit more stable than 'so, uh, the mayor hired his daughter and she spent this year's school lunch money hiring a big rock band for a party panem et circenses style so you can distract yourself about that one time the mayor fired everyone in the local hospital and kicked your dying grandma to the streets'.

      • barrbaric [he/him]
        1 year ago

        If my dying grandma is being kicked to the street either way I will take one concert please.

    • sawne128 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Seems like such a no-brainer, especially when the officials in charge are always revealed to be friends with the consulting firms. But I would say most public procurement is atleast somewhat corrupt. People should read about the New Karolinska Hospital in Sweden. It's the most expensive hospital ever built, and I think you can guess why.