bridget-pride-stay-mad bridget-yoyo-walk

  • BlueMagaChud [any]
    10 months ago

    no, we're definitely anti-amerikkkan, death to amerikkka, they're saying that if we created a new flag it wouldn't include any bourgeois atavisms such as the 13 settler colonial stripes. lol, is this a bit? no communist wants to see "a whole country burn, innocent children and all", that's what amerikkka does, in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc., we want to see whole class of the bourgeoisie burn and their class collaborators to liberate the working class.

      10 months ago

      So if I say Death to Russia, everyone should know that I'm only referring to Putin and his ruling class of cronies, not the Russian people?

      • SaniFlush [any, any]
        10 months ago

        We don’t like Putin either, but also when centrists say stuff like that they don’t mean it and would gladly watch an entire ethnicity die just so they could feel safer. It doesn’t come off as honest.

          10 months ago

          What is a centrist to you? I don't think I am one. I've never voted for war nor ever wanted any ethnicity to die. But I don't personally have any control over what my government does.

          • Biggay [he/him, comrade/them]
            10 months ago

            Do you want things to change? Does your organizing or actions in politics make conservatives mad and call you a red? then youre not a centrist.

            If you dont care about things and the conservatives call you a lib, youre probably a centrist.