Just some nice clearing the air of ambiguities. Do not doxx yourself.

For instance, Lea CrossCode (my pfp) is my lofty transition goal, and that's one part of the reason I'm so attached to her as a character.

  • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
    1 year ago

    My name is Wendy Hartwell White. I reside at 308 Rainbow Meadows Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. This is my heartfelt confession. If you're watching this recording, it's likely that I'm no longer here - a victim of the sinister plots of my estranged polyamorous partner, Hank Schrader. Hank, who has secretly been orchestrating a methamphetamine empire for over a year, manipulating me as his trusted chemist. Not too long after my 50th birthday, he approached me with an astonishing proposition: to use my chemistry expertise to manufacture methamphetamine, which he would then distribute through connections forged during his tenure with the DEA. I was utterly taken aback. You see, I had always regarded Hank as a morally upright man, and at that vulnerable moment in my life - something he was well aware of - I had been grappling with a devastating cancer diagnosis that threatened to financially ruin my family. Hank, exploiting my fragility, gave me a glimpse of the immense wealth even a small-scale meth operation could yield, and I found myself succumbing to his pressure. Little did I know that Hank had a partner, a shrewd businessman named Gustavo Fring. Hank effectively sold me into bondage to this man, and when I attempted to sever ties, Fring used threats against my family to keep me entangled in his web.

    I felt trapped, with nowhere to turn. Over time, tensions escalated between Hank and Fring. Fring managed to arrange what one might call a "hit" on Hank, though it failed, leaving Hank gravely injured. The burden of Hank's medical expenses, totaling over $177,000, fell upon me. As Hank recuperated, his thirst for revenge grew insatiable. Collaborating with a man named Hector Salamanca, he hatched a plan to eliminate Fring. It was I who constructed the bomb used in this sinister scheme, and I was not given any choice in the matter. Suicide has crossed my mind more times than I care to admit, but I find myself a coward unable to take that drastic step. Reporting these crimes to the police seemed futile, as Hank had ascended to the position of head of the Albuquerque DEA. To maintain his control over me, he took custody of my children, all while my unsuspecting wife remained in the dark about my criminal involvements, only to be horrified when the truth finally came to light. My existence had become a living nightmare, plagued by self-loathing for the peril I had brought upon my beloved family.

    Recently, I attempted once more to break free from this nightmarish existence, and in response, Hank resorted to violence, leaving me with this painful reminder. [Wendy points to a bruise on her face.] I can no longer endure this torment. Every day is a living nightmare, haunted by the constant fear that Hank will carry out his threats and harm me or, worse yet, my precious family. In this desperate moment, I've decided to create this video, hoping that the world will finally recognize Hank for the monster he truly is.