what if one day a presidential candidate that was bought and paid for by lobbyists got into the white house and then broke all the promises they made to their donors?

if a hypothetical closeted Marxist who tricked their corporate backers got into the white house what could they do with that power?

  • Dolores [love/loves]
    1 year ago

    that's called bullworth, its an interesting film tho a bit lib

    it'd be extremely difficult to convincingly be a horse the ruling class backed, and also having the tools needed to riposte their influence to actually do anything good. i guess what's needed would be a cult of personality... lmao wait am i saying you'd need to do a reverse fascist? do right-wing populist shit then execute the right wingers after taking power, the paramilitary wing & popular movement protect against the security state & military

    but uhhh that's really just a recipe for dictatorship. building democracy from above is counterintuitive even with good intentions, i think Gaddaffi illuatrates some of the challenges/problems with that approach