Giving you options for links because I’m comradely like that:

  • Invidious:

  • Invidious:

  • Invidious 🧅: http://c7hqkpkpemu6e7emz5b4vyz7idjgdvgaaa3dyimmeojqbgpea3xqjoid.onion/watch?v=erSvAGrg6Zg

  • Youtube:

  • Piped:

  • Piped 🧅: http://piped2bbch4xslbl2ckr6k62q56kon56ffowxaqzy42ai22a4sash3ad.onion/watch?v=erSvAGrg6Zg

    • HornyOnMain
      10 months ago

      I've edited it to just be making fun of them for thinking that any support for the DPRK could only be ironic, rather than for them using "/s?" to do that


      10 months ago


      And the DPRK jokes are beating a starving horse. Other instances already think everyone here is only a pseudoleftist cult follower.

      Either some finesse or subtleties to joke variety or then some indicators on blatant wacky shit posting could be helpful for people.

      • half_giraffe [comrade/them]
        10 months ago

        What part of "uncritical support for the DPRK in its heroic struggle to liberate occupied Korea from the genocidal American empire" do you think is a joke exactly?

          10 months ago

          Yeah I know there are leftists here, and I also understand why some instances can't see it behind the edgy veil

          • PosadistInevitablity [he/him]
            10 months ago

            Being pro North Korea isn’t edgy. It’s supporting a heroic people in their anti imperialist struggle against the United States.

            I get the feeling you believe this is ironic support, probably because you believe nonsensical American lies about their victims.

            Genocidal empires tend to lie.

          • cosecantphi [he/him]
            10 months ago

            Can you point out the edginess for us, specifically? It looks to me like you have some preconceived notions about actual socialist countries having committed irredeemable atrocities, and thus you're dumbfounded as to why a very inclusive leftist forum like ours would support them. It looks like the conclusion you've reached to square this contradiction is that our support for these countries is not genuine, and that our outward admiration for them is just us trying to offend people.

            But that conclusion couldn't be more off base. Our support for these countries is genuine. Instead you should look more closely at your preconceived notions of these countries, because that's the faulty premise at work here. If you are from an international-community-1international-community-2 type country, then your perspective on this has been utterly warped by the ongoing century long atrocity propaganda campaign that the west has wrought against socialist countries.

            That goes double for the DPRK specifically. Everything you hear about that country in mainstream western news isn't just severely biased, it's more often than not outright lies. During the Korean War, the United States' horrific bombing campaign destroyed literally every building more than one story tall in the entirety of the DPRK. The United States literally killed off a double digit percentage of their population. Then the US and the rest of "the international community" (see the emoji above), worked tirelessly to economically cripple the DPRK with sanctions to halt their recovery from the war. It's so fucked that I can't help but laugh when western liberals are so self unaware that they wonder why the DPRK hates the US so much and why they're putting so much effort into building a stockpile of nuclear weapons.

            If I missed the mark here, then I'm not sure what else you think is r/the_donald like about us besides the fact that we can be crass and rude at times.

              10 months ago

              Hey fellow, I'm supporting the good will in here despite what many other instances think and you've attached their conclusions to me.

              I thought I was very clear on what I meant with the progress of t_d. I replied to someone about it more and will paste a link to that.

              Edit: I couldn't find how to get the home instance link. Hopefully this works

              • cosecantphi [he/him]
                10 months ago

                I had already read that comment.

                Remember how t_d was a tongue in cheek in-joke in the beginning until it grew and actually drew in users that actually were all in with the cult without a hint of self awareness and became what you described?

                I'm not sure what you're even referring to. Could you please point out what exactly the in joke is on Hexbear that you're criticizing?

                  10 months ago

                  That was expanded a bit in the second paragraph. It's also worth it to explore how leftists on other instances have described the situation. That's actually better than relying on my third party relaying broken telephone summaries.

                  • cosecantphi [he/him]
                    10 months ago

                    Regular prole scrollers won't get "stalin is good because he's handsome" even though we might have a taste for edgier humor

                    You mean this? That's exactly the kind of thing I was getting at when I talked about the DPRK. That's not edgy humor, we think Stalin was good because he and the USSR saved the world from fascism.

                    Many of us do also believe he was handsome, but it's certainly much easier to find someone handsome when you already like them for other reasons.

      • Farman [any]
        10 months ago

        I dont know the other posters but personally the north korean leadership is the only one i respect. The leadership in china and russia are all spinless cowards that are wigling to sacrifice their people and national interests to apease the west. The iranians are a little better but even they are often opt for apeasment. The last president in particular was borderline treasonous. We shall see what this one does.

        The north koreans are the only ones with any dignity. They have also been consistently on the rigth side on their diplomatic dessicions. For example only they and syria helped iran when both the us and the soviets made a pact to depose khomeini. Many people remember that and as a result have great respect and gratitude to north koreans.

        They also have one of the best education systems in the world first is china and the us third south korea 4th north korea. 5th russia. For a small country thats heavily sanctioned that is amazing. And this shows, they developed their own nuclear weapons and hypersonic gliders the latter wich not even the americans have. And those are not copies from china or russia. Those countries being run by cowards refuse to export military tech if the americans prohibit it.

          • Farman [any]
            10 months ago

            I dont see how that relates to my previous comment. Could you elaborate?

              • Farman [any]
                10 months ago

                You typed it. So you should know if it does or dosent. Why probably?