
  • duderium [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Nobody in the imperialist countries will care tho because the imperialist ruling class is constantly trying to recruit Vietnam into an anti-China alliance. I know China and Vietnam have their issues but I suspect (or hope) Vietnam is just playing along to see how much free shit they can get from the USA.

    It's also funny how there was so much outrage when Trump met Kim Jong Un, but even chuds (AFAIK) just do not give a shit about Biden sitting beneath what appears to be a solid gold colossal bust of Ho Chih Minh.

    • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
      1 year ago

      I'll say this about Biden. He has a weird sort of charisma where even people who hate him know this kind of shit will not stick to him.

      • blobjim [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Because he's the current designated driver of the US. Remember when he started his presidential campaign and it felt like a total joke, and it continued feeling like a total joke until he just... got to win.

    • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
      1 year ago

      Vietnam has always played the US for foreign aid, Ho Chi Minh started the tradition before US invasion. Doing it under a bust of him is fitting. Vietnam doesn't love China for good reasons, but I think they're too dedicated to socialism to be swayed into siding with the US over China. They wouldn't even pick sides between China and Russia.

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      1 year ago

      The US also tried to recruit China for an anti-Soviet alliance and we all know how that played out for China. It's hillarious they're repeating the same course of action with Vietnam.

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      1 year ago

      see how much free shit they can get from the USA

      As much as it would be emotionally satisfying to see Vietnam to tell the US to fuck off, kissing ass and getting more investment is objectively the best route. The secret sauce of Dengism wasn’t the introduction of markets, it was foreign capital investment. If the West never pumped so much capital into China in the last few decades, China would not be nearly as economically successful. The West built China’s industrial capacity for them. That’s why Stalin had to push agricultural productivity so hard, no other way to develop industry than reinvesting that agricultural surplus when the rest of the world locks you out of investment.

      That said, the US empire isn’t completely oblivious and all that investment China got came with a pretty hefty price tag. Specifically, becoming the US empire’s partner whenever they came calling: siding against the USSR, invading Vietnam and supporting Pol Pot, all that. Dealing with the US is like dealing with Don Corleone. Here, take all this investment money, it’s yours. Then maybe in the future, you may be called upon for a favor. US is absolutely expecting to rope Vietnam into siding with them against China and if they don’t the US is gonna snap back hard at Vietnam. But hey, until that happens, get that bread Vietnam.