i irrationally hate the actor that played the mother from How I Met Your Mother. Maybe i just hate that doe eyes look she seems to be inflicted with. And she seems to always be playing some sad sack in a bad relationship so it might just be type casting too. Plus the end of HIMYM was so fuckin bad so that might not help lol.

  • sexywheat [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    Yeah Tom Cruise for me too, as well as Jennifer Anniston, on the basis that neither of them can fucking act. They both just play themselves in every movie that they are in, you cannot tell any of their characters apart. They get by solely on the basis of their good looks.

    • Averagemaoist [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      I do have to say that Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder was very leftfield for Cruise. I didn't realize it was him until the credits rolled.

    • Metal Zealot@lemmy.ml
      9 months ago

      No range, no will to try to play a different character...
      Is that even considered "acting"? You're just paying someone to be themselves. Which is......... okay, I guess??