i irrationally hate the actor that played the mother from How I Met Your Mother. Maybe i just hate that doe eyes look she seems to be inflicted with. And she seems to always be playing some sad sack in a bad relationship so it might just be type casting too. Plus the end of HIMYM was so fuckin bad so that might not help lol.

    • Ithorian [comrade/them, he/him]
      9 months ago

      I find he can be really funny in very small doses, like when he has a couple minute cameo in something. I think Anchorman is the only movie of his I can stand.

  • Metal Zealot@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    Tom Cruise. He's an ego maniac Scientologist with a weird cult following.
    Fuck Top Gun and Mission Impossible.

    And fuck you for for trying to reboot the Mummy franchise, dickhead

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      9 months ago

      And fuck you for for trying to reboot the Mummy franchise, dickhead

      That's mostly Kurtzman's doing, as is a lot of franchise damage for the last few decades.

    • sexywheat [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      Yeah Tom Cruise for me too, as well as Jennifer Anniston, on the basis that neither of them can fucking act. They both just play themselves in every movie that they are in, you cannot tell any of their characters apart. They get by solely on the basis of their good looks.

      • Averagemaoist [none/use name]
        9 months ago

        I do have to say that Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder was very leftfield for Cruise. I didn't realize it was him until the credits rolled.

      • Metal Zealot@lemmy.ml
        9 months ago

        No range, no will to try to play a different character...
        Is that even considered "acting"? You're just paying someone to be themselves. Which is......... okay, I guess??

  • Dolores [love/loves]
    9 months ago

    Jim Carrey, i don't care for his face & style, even his 'based' political cartoons are unpleasant with a desperate sort of showmanship. also i heard what he did on the set of man on the moon which doesn't help

    Tim Allen is like every fucking awful suburban white guy composited, somehow, into a real guy. i don't think he was ever something approaching cool. the dude could do heroin and look like a fucking square

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Tim Allen is like every fucking awful suburban white guy composited, somehow, into a real guy.

      If boomers could summon a primal, FFXIV style, it's a coin toss chance that the primal is trump-drenched and the other side of the coin is Tim Allen.

      • Black AOC@lemmygrad.ml
        9 months ago

        This is the most cursed comment I've ever read on the lemmyverse and it physically enrages me that you're 106% correct

    • Magician [he/him, they/them]
      9 months ago

      You're pretty close about Tim Allen. He was a snitch after he got caught smuggling cocaine at an airport when he was younger.

    • Rom [he/him]
      9 months ago

      I watched some of Jim Carrey's movies from the 90's recently, and my god his comedy did not age well.

      Also he's anti-vaxx, and has been since long before COVID.

    • NoLeftLeftWhereILive [none/use name, she/her]
      9 months ago

      Jim Carrey is the perfect example of "being a sort of bully = funny". Like, never got it.

      And he was framed as some deep melancholic thinker, the whole clown thing and I just don't buy it.

      • Dolores [love/loves]
        9 months ago

        i feel like he got pissed about being pigeonholed as a children's entertainer (shocker, guy whose talent is funny faces only makes waves with children) and tried so hard to be viewed as a mature and serious 'sad clown' comedian. most of what he did to cultivate that image was abusive irl theatrics & poorly performing outside of his range lol.

  • Black AOC@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    Benedict Cumberbatch frankly. I despise his narrow rat face, any time he's in a role with facial hair, it looks like a party city prop glued to his lower face, and it offends every last iota of me that still has respect for the classics that somebody thought he'd make a good Sherlock Holmes.

    • AlicePraxis [any]
      9 months ago

      Did you know his family was heavily involved in the slave trade?

        • AlicePraxis [any]
          9 months ago

          yeah it would be way more surprising if a guy named Benedict Cumberbatch wasn't descended from slavers

          • @HornyOnMain
            9 months ago

            iirc he's also the first cousin of King Richard III many times removed

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        9 months ago

        reddit-logo types became such obnoxious teaboos since David Tennant's Doctor Who run that it doesn't surprise me that so many teaboo icons for such Redditors wound up being colonialist chuds.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Benedict Cumberbatch

      The people behind the shitty Hobbit trilogy were so soypoint-1 about him that they rewrote Smaug to be basically another Benedict Cumberbatch cliche, too smart and too cool to just be a blustering dragon outwitted by a little dumpy guy with a magic ring.

  • @uralsolo
    8 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      Unpopular opinion, but I really like the early seasons of the Office US. It tried to replicate the drier, bleaker tone of the UK version. There were a lot of melancholic moments during those seasons, and it left an impression on me because the episodes would just end after something sweet or vaguely sad with the black credit scenes without any music - almost as if it was an early draft of the documentary it’s supposed to be formatted as.

      My favorite is probably the Office Olympics - everyone was getting along and having fun while Michael was away. Pam made makeshift medals for the winners. After he returned and is extremely pissed off with everything, everyone just awkwardly scuffles back to work and Ryan throws away the medal in front of Pam, upsetting her. But then Michael received one of the makeshift yogurt peel medals and he was genuinely happy about it which turned his day around, and made her a little happier. Then it cuts to the silent credits. chefs-kiss

      Later seasons everything was always ending on a happy note. Most of them were still good but really took away from the whole “this job is fucking miserable, but at least I have some people I like here” vibe and turned it into “we’re a big family so sometimes we fight!”

      • commiewithoutorgans [he/him, comrade/them]
        9 months ago

        Agreed sort of. I can't watch it really, because I don't like cringing, but the first season or 2 actually seem like a horror show about the terrors of office life exploded to immense size with small bits of happiness sprinkled through. That's a good idea even though I don't like it personally. But then everything was just drama with cringe sprinkled into it, and it lost that toucht

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Does it count as irrational if the actor is a serial child predator?

    If not, my nomination still goes to Justin Roiland for voice acting roughly the same two characters over and over again with slightly different names and getting paid millions for it while being allowed to abuse everyone around him at the recording studios because being a drunk asshole is seen as "method acting."

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        9 months ago

        He was always a monster, but there was a little sticky note that said "IRONICALLY" over it all until then.

        That sticky note didn't cover enough for the recording staff and other workers he abused for "method acting" reactions well before the tweets were exposed.

  • @HornyOnMain
    9 months ago

    I don't like Ryan Reynolds because someone with his face as a pfp was really rude to me on the internet once

  • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
    9 months ago

    When I was like 18-25, I absolutely H A T E D Robert Downey Jr for no reason whatsoever.

    Now that I'm older and have better taste, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is fantastic and nobody else could play his role. I just dont give a fuck about Iron Man

  • Owl [he/him]
    9 months ago

    I was having a conversation with my friends about how I can never recognize actors and they were like "it sounds like you're face blind" and then I took the test and it turns out I'm just barely above the cutoff for face blindness.

    Anyway I can't irrationally hate an actor because they all look the same to me.

  • Barabas [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Seth Rogen. All the roles I've seen him in boil down to "lmao weed" or "men should be measured by their hearts, give the schlub a chance".

    The first trope I can deal with, but the second always gets on my tits. Women who are more attractive, successful and smart being portrayed as a reward for simply not being a raging asshole to them (while otherwise being a fuckup) is part of what creates a lot of "nice guys".

    • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
      9 months ago

      He also made that movie about killing Kim Jong-un. Hating Seth Rogen is rational.

  • Weedian [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Not irrational but jared leto and his creepy cult island, being sus with underage fans, using nazi iconography, and possibly a cia asset

    • CommCat [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      Last time I watched the oscars, Leto won and in his speech he praised the Venezuelan opposition. I think this was at the height of the US mass media's assault on the Bolivarian Revolution, so you might not be off about him being a CIA asset.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Not irrational but jared leto and his creepy cult island, being sus with underage fans, using nazi iconography, and possibly a cia asset

      Yet another "JUST A PRANK BROOOOOO" worker-abusing "method actor" edgelord. They disgust me.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      Ashton Kutcher worked with the FBI and CIA to “fight child trafficking,” and his organization provided CIA surveillance tools to police. If we know anything about the CIA, it’s that they’re very against CSA, especially children in poor countries with more corruption

  • @Lenny@lemmy.zip
    9 months ago

    Terrence Howard. Idk why exactly, but I vaguely remember it started with Crash. A part of it is he just sounds so whiney in the way he acts on screen. I don’t have a problem with him personally, but I just cannot stand his acting. Glad he left Iron Man after the first movie.

    Another one for me is Lena Headey (Cersei from GoT). I think she was good as Cersei, but it’s not a positive feeling when I come across her outside of GoT. I would like to see here playing a happy character, and maybe that exists but I haven’t seen it yet.

    • Cummunism [they/them, he/him]
      9 months ago

      A part of it is he just sounds so whiney in the way he acts on screen.

      that seems to be him in real life too based on how he got ousted from the Marvel movies. He has to feel pretty fuckin stupid after seeing Don Cheadle proceed to be in a lot of those movies.

      Lena Headey

      Watch the Dredd movie that had Karl Urban in it. I thought she was good in that but I havent seen her in anything besides Dredd and GoT. She actually is kinda happy in Dredd but it's like an insane happy.

    • Crowtee_Robot [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Pretty sure he's an abuser too. I feel like that came to light after the first season or two of Empire.