i irrationally hate the actor that played the mother from How I Met Your Mother. Maybe i just hate that doe eyes look she seems to be inflicted with. And she seems to always be playing some sad sack in a bad relationship so it might just be type casting too. Plus the end of HIMYM was so fuckin bad so that might not help lol.

  • NoLeftLeftWhereILive [none/use name, she/her]
    9 months ago

    Jim Carrey is the perfect example of "being a sort of bully = funny". Like, never got it.

    And he was framed as some deep melancholic thinker, the whole clown thing and I just don't buy it.

    • Dolores [love/loves]
      9 months ago

      i feel like he got pissed about being pigeonholed as a children's entertainer (shocker, guy whose talent is funny faces only makes waves with children) and tried so hard to be viewed as a mature and serious 'sad clown' comedian. most of what he did to cultivate that image was abusive irl theatrics & poorly performing outside of his range lol.