Checkmate big Pharma, I'm a poster-pilled serotonin factory now. I've seized the memes of endorphin production and liberated myself from Capitalism. Posting is praxis and I'll cry if anyone tells me otherwise, so you better not! You'd hate it. I'm a real ugly cryer.

  • @pillow
    7 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • Lurkerino [comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      That's why I always say to research and not just trust me, for many people it can be a miracle cure, for others it can have negative effects, I also had some bad trips until I controlled more the dosage. All I can say is that I recommend researching about them. I understand your point and I'm sorry they had a negative impact on you, but if it weren't for posts like these that spiked my curiosity for psychedelics, I wouldn't have discovered the medicine that cured my depression.

      Lets hope that these obscure bans on drugs get repealed for research and we start making actual science and medicine with these, because today's capitalist rather have us addicted to opioids and sell us snake oil, and banning our cures, because that's profitable.

      9 months ago

      Glad someone said it. A lot of people with mental illness do not benefit from mushrooms or other psychedelics and they only make their conditions far worse. I do have psychosis and mushrooms run a very high risk of causing me to develop full blown schizophrenia if I take them. They could potentially do permanent damage to a person if they aren't careful. People often adopt the "it's natural, therefore it is less harmful than the pills big pharma tries to use on us." But just because something is safe for one person, doesn't mean it is safe for another. I don't think they are nearly as harmless as their enthusiasts claim. I've seen too many people fall into really dark patterns(and worse) due to them, despite claiming they are "more wise" and "their mind has been opened" thanks to psychedelics.