Cytube is being naughty, rerouting to the old cytube until it starts playing the files i give it.

Cytube lives? If it shits the bed again, backup Here

Collateral(2004) - Its like "Phonebooth"(2002) meets "The Transporter"(2002), also I havent seen it, but its clearly that.

CWs- Violence, mild woogin'

IMDB Guide


The Northman(2022) - Shameless Game of Thrones cash-in, smdh

CWs- Violence, Animal abuse, SA, Drug use, Child abuse, Its a viking movie, Chuds probably love this

IMDB Guide


BONUS! Bonnie and Clyde(1967) - Relationship goalz

CWs - Violence, Woogin', So many cops die 070707

IMDB Guide


Probably getting off work late tonight, may have to ask one of the cytube crew to queue it up.



The Northman


      9 months ago

      I loved how chuds tried to make this out to be rightist propaganda. Like sure, great propaganda… We should all return to warrior-cults of psychotic freaks, yes.

      I loved how unhinged the movie made the vikings out to be. I mean they had to be crazy fucks, completely psychotic.